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老二成了一名砌砖匠。The second brother became a bricklayer.

那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer.

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他以前做过泥水匠,也送过牛奶。In the past he has been a bricklayer and a milkman.

房顶上的瓦工招呼再送些瓦上去。The bricklayer on the roof was calling for more tiles.

建筑工人上午举行罢工,抗议解雇一名砌砖工人。Building workers walked out during the morning in protest of the sacking of a bricklayer.

更何况,过去的许多工作,不管是西班牙的砌砖工还是华尔街的证券交易员,都不会再回来了。Moreover, many of yesterday’s jobs, from Spanish bricklayer to Wall Street trader, are not coming back.

你会看到一个木匠、砖匠或制模工站在一边,欣赏着用自己的技巧完成的作品。You can see the carpenter or bricklayer or die-maker stand aside and admire the product of his personal skill.

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我是一个职业砖匠,在事故发生的那一天,我在一座新建的6层大楼的顶层独自工作。I am a bricklayer by trade. On the day of the accident, I was working alone on the roof of a new six story building.

在我看来,做一名水管工人或者砖匠,同做一名律师或者医生相比,所取得的成就是同样伟大的。"In my view, it is just as great an achievement to be a plumber or a bricklayer as it is to be a lawyer or a doctor.

一位以前当瓦工的朋友说,这对夫妻过去经常开玩笑,说如果他们结婚一定会举办一场童话般的婚礼。The former bricklayer said the couple used to joke that if they ever got married, they would have a fairytale wedding.

在我们得到结果以后,我的一个聪明的朋友成了被开玩笑的对象——因为库德测评显示他最适合的工作是砖匠。After we got our results, I had a lot of fun ribbing an intelligent friend whose Kuder recommended bricklayer as his top career choice.

墨西哥卡波圣卢卡的一位砌砖工人说,时速145英里的四级台风将在几天后袭击该地区。MARCO NINA, a bricklayer in Los Cabos, Mexico, where aCategory4 hurricane with winds near 145 m. p. h. is set to hit in thenextfew days.

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杨惠妍的父亲杨国强在广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早年是一名瓦匠,上世纪90年代早期,他开始从事房地产开发。Yang's father, known as Yang Guoqiang, grew up in poverty in Guangdong Province and worked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early 1990s.

他听到一名医生抱怨说“又是沙状膈肌”,有这种状况的尸体会磨损解剖刀。The 51 yr-old Italian bricklayer who had died of tuberculosis, and that they were now dissecting, also had "sandy diaphragm, " a condition that dulled even the sharpest of scalpels.