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尊严啊,请对我宽大为怀。Dignity, please be magnanimous.

贝佐斯对乔布斯十分宽宏大量。Bezos is magnanimous toward Jobs.

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又有花王雍容之大度。Also has peony graceful magnanimous.

他扮演的古代皇帝气度恢宏。The emperor he played was magnanimous.

他非常豁达大度。He is very open-minded and magnanimous.

何等的宽厚大度又和蔼仁慈啊!How kind and magnanimous Li Hongzhi sounded!

在她最坚强,最宽宏大量的时候。In her strongest , most magnanimous moments.

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他是个在成功时宽宏大度的领袖。He is a leader who is magnanimous in victory.

正是这种高尚的忠诚品质成就了邦德的优秀。Such magnanimous loyalty makes Bond the best.

当然,一个胜者常常是宽宏大量的。Of course, a victor can always be magnanimous.

“坤”者,地袤广博,因容乃大。"Kun" means being large and magnanimous as the earth.

旷达超脱的气质,积极进取的姿态,开创出了阔大的人生境界。Detached character and initiative attitude creates a magnanimous world outlook.

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对不住的地方,望您海量包涵。I hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part.

但是请对父母的缺陷给予宽宏大量,就像我们常希望他人如此对待我们一样。Instead, try being as magnanimous about their flaws as we hope others will be about our own.

我们完全赞同并且崇拜他为此而作出的巨大努力。We admire and entirely go along with the magnanimous effort which he makes for this purpose.

我在公开场合表现得宽容大度,私下里却气得七窍生烟,说了一些对他不友好的话,这令我后悔。I was magnanimous in public, but I fumed in private and said some things about Mario I regret.

唐力有点不相信田在天会这么大度牺牲自己的利益。TangLi a little dont believe field in it will be so magnanimous sacrificed their own interests.

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这些原因使这些人有时对人类伟大的先锋队极端冷漠。Hence, at certain hours, a profound cold broods over the magnanimous vanguard of the human race.

当然权贵也有很多人是不错的,诸如胸怀坦荡的。That the influential official also certainly has many person is good , breast is such as magnanimous.

很遗憾,我不能这么坦荡的对自己说,即便只有一次,我还是欺骗了自己。Unfortunately, I can not so magnanimous of said to myself, even if only once, I was deceived himself.