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但什么是心流呢?But what is flow?

服务流率?。Service Flow Rate?

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我的泪水流下来。My tears flow down.

你流动,你接受。You flow. You accept.

将事件作为控制流?Events as control flow?

潮有涨夕阳,人有隆替时。Every flow has its ebb.

尽是神仙流品。Goods flow to the gods.

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随波慢慢流去。Go gently with the flow.

空气流动,才能生意盎然。Air must flow to refresh.

取消正在运行的流。Canceling a running flow.

江河流入海中。Rivers flow into the sea.

但枪枝走私继续泛滥。But guns continue to flow.

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他们只是顺其自然。They just go with the flow.

保持燃油流动量均匀。Keep the fuel flow constant.

这就是电渗流。This is electroosmotic flow.

百川归海。All rivers flow into the sea.

这是一个关乎现金流的问题。It*s a question of cash flow.

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安排生产流程是一项协调的艺术。Part flow is a balancing act.

很自然地就能写出来。And things will just flow out.

每个消息流就是一个线程。Each message flow is a thread.