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供货商与经销商的关系是卖家与买家的关系。The relationship between the supplier and franchiser is the seller and buyer.

特许人不得假借特许经营的名义,非法从事传销活动。No franchiser may undertake illegal pyramid selling activities in the name of franchising.

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申请者没有足够开业资本之前,授予者不会批准其特许经营。A franchiser will not grant a franchise unless the applicant has enough money for startup costs.

北京特许经营权交易所正是一个为经销商和特许经营人服务和保障的平台,他说。Beijing Franchise Equity Exchange protects the interest of both franchiser and franchisee, he says.

特许经营者要求举行听证的,授权主体应当组织听证。Where the franchised business operator requests for a hearing, the franchiser shall hold a hearing.

企业以外的其他单位和个人不得作为特许人从事特许经营活动。No entity or individual other than enterprises may engage in the franchise business as a franchiser.

除了财政援助和忠告之外,特许经营者会为新的经营者提供一个商务经营的培训。Beside financial aid and advice, the franchiser gives a new franchisee training in how to run a business.

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满足客户的要求是我们的职责,我们更期许自己成为更具有竞争力的通路商。It is our responsibility to satisfy your requirement. We also expect us to become a more competitive franchiser.

在目前中国快速消费品企业的市场运营中,经销商起着不可替代的作用。The franchiser plays an important part during the Fast Moving Consumer Goods enterprises in China at the moment.

作为特许经营者,在获得这个特权时得付给特许授予者一笔首付金,通常还有每月应付的特许费。In exchange for this right, the franchisee pays an initial fee and often monthly royalties as well to the franchiser.

在一套完善的出口流程制度下,Progres人热诚为世界各地的经销商服务。With a sound export process system, Progres will surply best service to every franchiser coming from all over the world.

特许人以特许经营方式从事商业活动不得导致市场垄断、妨碍公平竞争。No franchiser may result in market monopoly or obstruct fair competition in undertaking business activities by means of franchising.

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绿动环保如果我做了你们的加盟总经销商,要在当地办理什么手续?What procedures shall be handled if we become the local franchiser of Green Force Enviromental Protection Technology Company Limited?

按照政府的规定,特许经营人必须在15日内向主管注册机构登记备案。According to the government regulation, a franchiser must register the franchise with the governing registration agency within 15 days.

特许人及其法定代表人重大违法经营记录情况,重大违法经营记录。Information on the record of major illegal operation of the franchiser and its legal representative records of major illegal operation.

绿动环保如果我做了你们的加盟总经销,我们当地有人咨询价格怎么办?What shall we do when the price is consulted if we become the local franchiser of Green Force Enviromental Protection Technology Company Limited?

为国内多家大中型消费品生产企业提供了多项经销商管理咨询服务。We have provided allround consulting services on franchiser management for many domestic big and medium-sized consumable manufacturing enterprises.

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本公司更以万般的热情企盼全国各地批发商及加盟商的联手合作,让我们一起共创美好明天!The Company is more to look forward to putting the passion throughout the wholesalers and franchiser of joint cooperation, let us create a better tomorrow!

第七条公用事业特许经营权的授权主体是市政府或其授权的监管部门。Article 7 The franchiser of franchised management of public undertakings shall be the Municipal Government and the supervision department authorized thereby.

中国家电业以及经销商通过差异化、多元化等战略,突破价格战的重围。By the stratagems of difference, diversification, internationalization and so on, China appliance industry and its franchiser has broken the circle of price war.