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水淹没了曼谷。Floodwaters inundate the city.

“泛滥”的第一个意思是“江河湖泊的水溢出而淹没”。To be in flood, to flood, to overflow, to inundate.

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我多想雨中听不清你的回答,它却那么清楚啊!I think the rain would inundate your answer, but it is so clear.

所以请不要随便向开发者发送请求支持的电子邮件!So please do not inundate the developer with e-mail's requesting support!

地震在这些地带引发了一次海啸,远至日本的一些低地都被海水淹没。The earthquake took there a tsunami that could inundate low-lying lands as far away as Japan.

密西西比河的洪水淹没了蒂尼卡的娱乐场。Floodwaters from the Mississippi River inundate casinos at Tunica, Miss., Monday, May 9, 2011.

密苏里州温菲尔德地区的一处临时防洪堤决堤,使得密西西比河河水淹没了整个城镇。A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town.

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但问题是,如果服务器宕机了,那么客户端将继续使用请求塞满网络。The problem is that if the server goes down, clients will continue to inundate the network with requests.

随着洪水继续淹没巴基斯坦大范围地区,又有数万民众被转移到安全地带。As floodwaters continue to inundate much of Pakistan, tens of thousands more people are being moved to safety.

警方称救援人员担心堵塞的河流一旦决堤将会淹没震中附近地区的乡镇。Police say rescue officials are worried that water from a choked river could inundate towns near the epicenter.

警方指救援总部担心震中地区会因附近一条被阻隔了的河流缺堤而被淹没。Police say rescue officials are worried that water from a choked river could inundate towns near the epicenter.

走在大街上,漫涌而来的人群让我们产生一种压迫感,呼啸而至的车辆更让我们感到晕眩。Walking in the street, let us inundate Chung from the crowd have a feeling that what we roared and to vehicles with dizziness.

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一名警察告诉美联社记者,救援人员担心堰塞造成的湖泊将会淹没城镇。A policeman told The Associated Press that rescue officials were worried that water from the choked river would inundate the town.

海平面如果上升一米,孟加拉国一半的粮食耕种土地将被淹没,同时也会迫使4千万居民避难。Even a one-meter rise in sea level would inundate half of Bangladesh's rice-growing land, forcing the relocation of 40 million people.

问题在于,如果服务器发生故障,客户端会继续通过请求泛滥网络。This helps minimize network traffic. The problem is that if the server goes down, clients will continue to inundate the network with requests.

在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。In this paper, introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods.

青尼罗河发源于埃塞俄比亚的群山之中,那里每逢雨季,山洪暴发,大量的雨水和泥沙注入尼罗河河谷。The Blue Nile rises in the mountains of Ethiopia, where seasonal rains cause the annual floods that inundate the Nile Valley with water and silt.

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罗梅罗蓝考发现暴风雨带来的滔天巨浪,足以淹没人口稠密的海岸地带,热浪则会让铺有道路的城市比周遭地区炎热。Storm surges can inundate heavily populated coastal areas and heat waves can warm up paved cities more than surrounding areas, Romero Lankao found.

昨天密西西比河洪水到达维克斯堡的水位超出警戒水位14.1英尺,但是并没有损坏主堤,也没有淹没整个城市。The Mississippi River crested at Vicksburg yesterday at a record high of 14.1 feet above flood stage, but did not breach the main levee or inundate the city.

在好多人,这会导致增强内部抗毒性物的影响和在很多方面淹没我们的环境压力的防御能力。In many people, this leads to a heightened endogenic defense capacity against those toxic influences and environmental stresses which inundate us from many sides.