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他用步枪射倒撂六只老虎。Six fell to his rifle.

这支老式步枪坐得厉害。The old rifle kicks badly.

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这支步枪上有一个新的瞄准器。The rifle has a new sight.

他拿着来福枪去打猎。He went hunting with a rifle.

这是一把后座力很大的步枪。It is a rifle with a heavy kick.

别搬弄枪栓。Don't fiddle with the rifle bolt.

在山洞里发现的步枪装饰品。Rifle decorations found in a cave.

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他不以为然地挥挥手。Rifle in hand, he entered the room.

步枪射出子弹后要反冲一下。The rifle recoils when it is fired.

你能给我讲讲小口径步枪吗?Can you explain a small bore rifle ?

图配有联合国安理会战步枪。Figure comes with UNSC Battle Rifle.

这条步枪装了3发子弹。The rifle was loaded with 3 bullets.

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他右手提著一把来福枪。He carried a rifle in his right hand.

他把来福枪靠在墙上。He rested his rifle against the wall.

他拿起枪打野鸭子。He took his rifle to shoot wild duck.

这种步枪的射程近200米。This rifle carries nearly 200 meters.

他听到一些小型武器和来复枪交火的声音。He heard small arms and some rifle fire.

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正是这只老旧的来福枪命中了那致命的一枪。This old and rusty rifle is a dead shot.

明摆着,来复枪是怂人的武器。Clearly a rifle is the weapon of cowards.

“甭举那杆该死的枪!”我说。Do not point that goddamned rifle I said.