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那些边角碎料呢?Those corner scrap it?

把那辆汽车当残品卖了吧。Sell that car for scrap.

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她是个不起眼儿的小东西。She was just a scrap of a thing.

废铁也可以换钱。Scrap iron can be sold for money.

5碾碎当前的政法系统。Scrap the current justice system.

直接退料给厂商或作废料处理。Direct return to vendors or scrap.

PO准备放弃这个项目。PO was about to scrap the project.

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不如多扔些破铜烂铁。Better throw in more junk and scrap.

一大张纸,涂胶水时垫在下面Large sheets of scrap paper to glue on.

熔化的金属溢流到外面的板石上。This workshop melts down the metal scrap.

我用破铜烂铁拼成了这台机器。I pieced out the machine with scrap parts.

废旧金属可以熔化后再使用。Metal scrap can be melted down and reused.

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爸爸拥有并经营一家小的废金属处理厂。Dad owned and operated a small scrap.metall

一只小鸡,或一小块羊肉,就算他一顿正餐了。He dines on a chicken or a scrap of mutton.

保持废品率在一个合理的水平。Maintain scrap rate at an acceptable level.

参与坏品数和生产报废控制。Involve in WIP and production scrap control.

提升一次良率,降低报废。To improve the first yield and reduce scrap.

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有个男人定时来收废品。A man comes round regularly collecting scrap.

求购废镀锡铁皮,数量不限。I need to buy any quantity of tinplate scrap.

我在碎纸片上乱划来试铅笔。I tested the pen by scribbling on scrap paper.