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是否有解决方法,以获得字距调整的工作?Is there a workaround to get kerning working?

幸运的是,对这个问题并非无计可施。Fortunately, there is a workaround to this problem.

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有些人或许仍会使用网页浏览器订购。Some people may still use the Web-browser workaround.

这是对我们尚不支持的平台的一个很好的解决方案。It is a nice workaround to platforms we don't yet support.

在很多的情况下有方法替代方法,这些情况。In many cases, there are ways to workaround these situations.

建议的解决方法是预先撷取快取的资讯。Pre-fetching cached information is the recommended workaround.

我在准备写一个变通方法时意识到它也无法工作。I was going to write my workaround and I realized that It does not work.

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有些时候,一些边边角角的发现,会导致十分伟大的想法。Sometimes discovering a new workaround will lead to an even bigger idea.

这就是为什么上面这个过程只是给出一个快速解决方案的建议。That is why the above procedure is suggested only as a quick workaround.

它会立即为你加载所有你愿意和不愿意被载入的图片.It will load all images you wanted it or not. You can workaround this with

我会尝试做一些方法,以便不更换南桥芯片。I will try to do some workaround in order not to replace south bridge chip.

我的工作成功地实现一个一次性的工作区。One project I worked on pulled off a one-time workaround quite successfully.

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在还没有提供这一设施的地方,仍能从技术上提供一种解决方案。Where this facility is not provided, technology can still provide a workaround.

这种变通办法对于我的例子是适用的,但是也提出了现实中存在的一个有趣的问题。That workaround suited my example, but it poses an interesting question in real life.

需要进行的工作是Web服务范例中使用RosettaNet中的最优方法。The workaround is to use best practices from RosettaNet in the Web services paradigm.

寻找解决方案时,在付出的努力上应该有一个平衡。There is a balance to be achieved in terms of effort involved in finding a workaround.

同时,他指出一旦软件工作区开始运行,N.T.P公司将面临失去未来所有回报的风险。He says N. T. P. risks losing all future payments if the workaround is put into effect.

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一个简单的变通方法是用带动画价值的平方根目的值。A simple workaround is to use an animated value as the square root of the destination value.

然而,这是另一个解决方法,不需要您承担安全风险来禁用UAC。However, here is another workaround that do not need you to take security risk by disabling UAC.

这个工作流程可以节省时间并提高效率,因为一个人从一个机子上就可以执行这些任务了。This workaround can save time and effort, because one person can perform this task from one machine.