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这是一份底图吗?Is this a replica for reproduction?

这将是一个完全的詹戈复制体。It would be a pure replica of Jango.

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艾普瑞利亚黑色,红色荧光,复制西班牙N.1。Aprilia Black, Red Fluo, Replica Spain's N. 1

一个和原型同样大小的火星探测车漫游者号的复制品。A full-size replica of a Mars Exploration Rover.

这一次,假设您定义一个复制碎片。This time, suppose you define one replica shard.

至少车队给了个复刻版的!At least the team paid for the replica of the cup!

几乎每一件道具都按照原来的尺寸真实再现。Nearly every prop used in the show is an exact replica.

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这是CNN建造的救生舱的复制品。This is a replica of the rescue capsule that CNN built.

DILM可以支持广域系统的数据复制定位。DILM can support Large-Scale Wide Area Replica Location.

他们建了一座与那不勒斯歌剧院一模一样的仿造品。They built an exact replica of the opera house in Naples.

卖仿制手袋、钱包、汾、达夫尼、镜像!Sell replica handbag, wallet, Fendi, Chloe , Mirror image!

最近这个城市出现了大量高防真度的假钱。Recently numerous of high replica money flooded in the city.

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显示的内容为Thror的地图和一个比尔博巴金斯表的副本。Shown are Thror's map and a replica of Bilbo Baggins' table.

斯克姆还创建了MySpace的登陆网页的复制品。He also created a functioning replica of MySpace's log-in page.

或者某个情节中发现的戒指的仿真品。And an exact replica of that ring they found in that one episode.

不会开怀畅饮,不穿俱乐部球衣,不戴防水球帽,或者金项链。No beer guts, replica jerseys, Burberry ball caps, or gold chains.

这个复制数据库是运行数据库一个完整副本。The replica database is an exact copy of the operational database.

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在这座建筑的原址上,一件事实上的复制品最近已经被揭幕。A virtual replica was recently unveiled in the place of the original.

隆先生要求建造了一艘相当于原船大小90%的、5层的大船复制品。Mr. Cameron demanded a 90 percent scale, 5-story replica of the liner.

副本标识符的用户数据绑定支持安全的自动修复。Binding user data with replica identifiers supports secure auto-repair.