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我最愁的是钱。Money is my biggest bugbear.

通货膨胀是政府的主要难题。Inflation is the Government's main bugbear.

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我患了思乡病,我一直牵挂着我的家乡。I got homesick, which has been a bugbear suspending in my heart.

加强知识产权保护在中国是个长期的难题。The enforcement of intellectual-property rights in China is a long-standing bugbear.

而后者是中国特有的技术短板,其高速战机的发动机技术多年来一直依赖俄罗斯。The latter are a particular bugbear for China, which has for years relied on Russian technology to power its fast jets.

N95主要不足是其广受责备的电池不足,许多用户抱怨必须经常充电一天两次。The main bugbear of the N95 was its infamously poor battery, with many users complaining of having to charge the handset as often as twice a day.

在中国谋求集中化的定价能力之际,后者成了它的心头之患。Larger mills buy the rest at annually-negotiated benchmark prices that have become a bugbear for China as it seeks centralized price-setting power.

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可靠性问题对于红牛车队来说很严重的事情,去年维特尔与巴顿争夺冠军时候因为很严重的失误而失败。Reliability appears to be something of a bugbear for the Red Bull team, with Vettel's attempts to challenge Jenson Button for last year's title hampered by crucial failures.

鬼怪群首领可能是这个系列普通战棋造型中最酷的一位,而且我听到它有用于小店联盟赛的重漆版。The Bugbear Gang Leader is possibly the coolest-looking Common sculpt in the set, and I hear a repaint is in the works for the league kits that we send to participating game stores.

然而,最近几周,萨科奇政府成功的通过了一系列改革–而且没有陷入历代法国总统的怪圈–大规模的街头示威游行。Yet in recent weeks Mr Sarkozy’s government has managed to pass a string of reforms-and to do so without running into that traditional bugbear of French presidents, mass protests in the streets.