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这刀切起来很锋利。The knife cuts very cleanly.

这刀切起来不利索。The knife doesn't cut cleanly.

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这把刀切起来不利落。This knife doesn't cut cleanly.

钝剪刀剪不齐。Blunt scissors don't cut cleanly.

这刀切起来很锋利。The knife cuts Very abundance cleanly.

我不会推荐生活可以不那么干净。I would not recommend living less cleanly.

因为对那块臭肉说来我们的手实在太干净了。For our hands are too cleanly for that roast.

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这使得我们可以清晰地组织我们的视图。This so we can organize all our views cleanly.

屠夫的刀利落地把肉切开。The butcher 's knife cut cleanly through the meat.

我干脆利落地击球,命中了目标。I struck the ball cleanly and my shot was on target.

张了张嘴连单音节也没法利落地说出。Opened mouth wouldn't even monosyllabic name cleanly.

那封信打字工整清晰,行间留一行距离,切中要点。It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point.

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随刀头行走的吸风装置,干净利索吸走油污烟气。Walking with the head suction devices, gas oil sucked cleanly.

我们需要把电引入人民家中,而且要做得干净利索。We need to put electricity into people's homes and do it cleanly.

看看这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。Noticehow cleanly this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all.

结果二乙醇胺直接清洁氧化合成亚氨基二乙酸。Results Iminodiacetic acid was synthesized cleanly from diethanolamine.

所有的功能必须干净体面地融入语言之中。All features must be cleanly and elegantly integrated into the language.

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它干净地将低级协议和应用程序分离开来。It cleanly separates the low-level protocol aspects from the application aspects.

旁边的小池塘边,一些穿得干干净净的小孩子正在放白帆布船。At a little pond near by some cleanly dressed children were sailing white canvas boats.

这篇文章阐明了工具之间可以有清楚利索的合作的事实。This document illustrates the fact that the tools interoperate cleanly with each other.