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罢工虽然解决了,但问题依然存在。Strike was over, but problem existed stilly.

他自己则在“唰唰唰”的脚步中睡着了,一动不动。But he himself got to sleep in the footsteps, stilly.

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因为你担忧,你无法把握这阳光。For you worry about that you can not stilly hold the light.

其基本思路是,构件的质量在满足一定的条件下,可由几个集中质量静替代。With certain conditions, the mass of component can be stilly substituted by several concentrated mass.

我乐,是因为我还年轻,我还是大有时间和机会把英语摆平!I was lucky because I am stilly young and I have plenty of time and opportunities to smooth English out.

其主要临床症状有静止性震颤、运动迟缓、肌强直和姿势步态异常等。PD's mainly symptoms include stilly shacking, bradykinesia, rigidity muscles and abnormal posture and pace.

有时,乌龟干脆爬到水里去游泳,游累了,它就会浮在水面上,一动不动。Sometimes, the tortoise simply climbed into the water to go swimming, swimming tired, it will float on water, stilly.

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他本以为她差不多没有想过肚子里的孩子,一天到晚总忙着干活,一声不语的。He would have said that she had scarcely thought of the child, so stilly had she gone about her work, day in and day out.

马路两旁,远近都立着灯窗明灿的别墅,向暗蓝的天空静静的微笑着。The villas that standing on both sides of road far and near with bright windows are smiling stilly towards the dark blue sky.

可是,眼前浮现的全是你冷漠的表情,一如桥下静静流走的冰冷的河水。However, crowded in upon me is your apathetic expression , as if the icy , cold , running stilly river water under the bridge.

雪静静地坐在火的另一边。她的脸被照的通红,恍如熟透的苹果,纯洁而又诱人。In the other side of the fire, Yuki was sitting there stilly. Her face was red and looked like a squashy apple, charming and innocent.

其实简一直默默地爱着她的那位匈牙利老板乔治,她也幻想着有一天能够穿上专属于自己的婚纱。In fact, Jane has been stilly love her boss George Hungary, she always with the illusion that one day be able to put on her own Wedding dress.