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人民币被低估肯定是当前流动性状况的一个重要原因.Yuan undervaluation is certainly one of the key causes of the liquidity conditions we have.

中国还应对欧盟东扩、欧元汇率偏低和欧盟的反倾销政策保持足够的警惕以便采取应对措施。But China has to pay to the challenges of EU enlargement, Euro undervaluation and EU's anti-dumping policy.

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当前的英语教学中普遍存在着忽视语法的倾向,造成了相当严重的后果。An undervaluation of the importance of grammar pervades in the teaching of English language, which brings about disastrous results.

一些亚洲货币的跌势已经逆转,但是亚洲低估货币以促进出口的本能很活跃。Some Asian currency declines have reversed, nonetheless the Asian instinct for currency undervaluation to boost exports is alive and well.

新的数据暗示中国低估货币的程度远低于一些分析师所认为的,这应该平息“修理中国”之声。The new data imply that the degree of such undervaluation is far lower than some analysts had suggested, which ought to mute China-bashing.

但美元不再便宜.实际上,美元兑某些货币的汇价遭到低估的情况已经被相当快速地消除了.But the U.S. currency is no longer very cheap. Actually, in same pairs, the undervaluation of the dollar has been erased remarkably quickly.

对于中国币值低估程度的估测过于广泛,已经不足以用来指导政策的指定了,但这一点被忽略了。The fact that estimates of the extent of Chinese currency undervaluation are so broad as to be useless for guiding policymaking is overlooked.

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此外,高净值市价比与小规模公司之库藏股购回传递股价低估的讯号较强烈。Furthermore, firms with high book-to-market ratio and small firm size convey a substantial undervaluation signal through repurchase announcements.

据伯格斯滕说,需要欧美经济协调的最关键领域是中国货币低值这一存在已久的问题。The most critical area for EU-U.S. economic coordination is the longstanding issue of China’s undervaluation of its currency, according to Bergsten.

长期以来,由于西方各国的政策促进了中国的出口但是限制其进口,因此被低估的人民币总是西方世界的心头之痛。The undervaluation of China's currency has long been a sore point in the West because of the way it boosts Chinese exports and limits Chinese imports.

该法案将允许美国方面在针对从中国和其它国家的进口商品计算反补贴关税时,使用估计的汇率低估幅度。The legislation would allow the US to use estimates of currency undervaluation to calculate countervailing duties on imports from China and other countries.

一是在中国毫无疑问存在通货膨胀,这点尤其显现在劳动力成本的上升上,这正在逐渐削弱的人民币低估值优势。One is the undoubted fact that inflation in China, which is raising labor costs in particular, is gradually eliminating that nation’s currency undervaluation.

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随着我国股市规模的扩大,股市波幅常常超出人们的预期,泡沫与低估值也经常在短期内互相转换。With the expansion of Chinese stock market, its fluctuation is beyond people's expectation, and bubbles and undervaluation frequently transform in short term.

“前文中提到,中国努力平衡其经济发展的不平衡性,人民币的过于低估也增加了中国经济发展的风险,”该报告指出。"In the context of China's efforts to rebalance its economy, the substantial undervaluation of the renminbi poses risks for China's economy, " the report stated.

美国政府要清晰地认识到中国低估本国货币就是贸易保护政策的一种形式,它导致了全球经济的失衡以及美国的失业。The U.S. government clearly thinks that China's undervaluation of its currency is a form of protectionism that has led to global economic imbalances and job losses in the United States.

上周,美国众议院通过了一项法案,即通过自己国家的货币贬值办法来计算来自中国的进口货物的反补贴税。The US House of Representatives last week passed a bill that allows the country to use its own estimates of currency undervaluation to calculate countervailing duties on imports from China.