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原因在于健忘的人类。The cause is oblivious man.

但美国人现在都是井底之蛙了。But the Americans are oblivious.

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这一新法案将有可能连不知情者也一并法办了。The new law would criminalise oblivious as well.

但很显然,布拉特无视了一切。But, evidently, Blatter is oblivious to all that.

但是FIBA的领导者并没有太在意这些问题。But the FIBA leaders were oblivious to this problem.

这一新法案将有可能连不知情者也一并法办了。The new law would criminalise the oblivious as well.

大提琴是否接受了这个回答,还是对其置若罔闻?Is the cello listening to the answer, or is it oblivious?

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我们常常注意不到对方可能有的任何缺点。We are often oblivious to any flaws our partner might have.

我父亲是个爱忘事的人,以至于他经常都在找他的钥匙。My father is so oblivious that he always looks for his keys.

不要认为慈善机构无视你的动机。Don t think that charities are oblivious to your motivations.

可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只踡缩的,被人遗忘的动物。Still she was motionless, like a curled up, oblivious creature.

她专心于工作,对周围的一切毫无知觉。Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious of her surroundings.

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其余的人仍在继续干他们的活,而对他们的邻居正在腐烂这件事一无所知。Meanwhile all the others work on, oblivious to their rotted-out neighbor.

但很难判断她到底要说什么,是回避还是试图回应。It is difficult to tell whether she is oblivious or struggling to respond.

他们却对语言背后蕴藏的文化一概不知。They are completely oblivious to the rich culture underlying the language.

还有一只在窝里来回踱着步,似乎忘记了自己正在为众人所注视。One paced back and forth in his den, apparently oblivious to being watched.

我利用我所学的语法知识,开始书写自己忘记的句子。I started to write my own oblivious sentences using the grammer i was learning.

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一只成年的公北极熊对摄氏零下的低温无动于衷,照样在雪地里打盹。Oblivious to the subzero cold, a big male polar bear slumbers on a bed of snow.

约翰森的研究小组发现所有的海胆似乎都对小磁盘无动于衷。All the sea urchins seemed oblivious to the smaller disks, Johnsen's team found.

甚至直到她准备双人烛光晚餐时,他仍没意识到今天是她的大日子。Even when she cooked a candlelit dinner for two, he was oblivious to her big day.