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回肠消化率比粪消化率准确。Ileal digestibility is more accurate than fecal.

相关于是否有大便失禁的病史也应询问。Patients should be questioned about fecal incontinence.

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大便失禁是一种无意识的肠道控制缺失。Fecal incontinence is the involuntary loss of bowel control.

取出包埋粪便以上乙状结肠区。Dislodging entrapped fecal matter above the sigmoid colon area.

科学家必须分析哪些饮食造成至少粪便臭气。Scientists must analyze which diets cause the least fecal effluvia.

在粪块嵌塞期间可发生腹泻,并常有大便失禁。Diarrhea may occur around the impaction and often with fecal incontinence.

饮用水水源的主要污染物为高锰酸盐指数和粪大肠菌群。The main pollutants in drinking water source are permanganate index and fecal coliform.

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经粪检验证,其结果与实际感染水平基本相符。The result of fecal examination for eggs exactly accorded with a real level of infection.

科学家们测试了获得的粪便和其它证据,而且这些粪便被证实是那只母猞猁的。Fecal material and other evidence obtained were tested and confirmed to be those of a lynx.

目的单克隆抗体一步法与联苯胺法测定粪便隐血的方法学比较。Objective The comparison of testing fecal occult blood by One step test and Benzidine test.

而对于男性而言,长期便秘,粪便压迫会造成前列腺血液运行受阻。For men, long-term constipation, fecal oppression caused by the blood of the prostate is blocked.

它自己或者群体中的特殊职虫便会立刻把这种称之为“蛹便”的小球丢弃。Either the individual or special workers move quickly to dispose of this fecal pellet, the meconium.

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目的提高经多次手术失败的直肠尿道瘘、大便失禁的手术成功率。Objective In order to improve the surgical treatment of urethrorectal fistula and fecal incontinence.

SSTF能显著降低肝脏TC、TG含量,并能促进粪便中胆汁酸的排泄。SSTF also showed the effect on decreasing liver TC, TG and increasing the amount of fecal bile acids.

这种状况持续数周或数月,并且它常常伴有大便失禁。This condition persists for several weeks to months, and it frequently accompanies fecal incontinence.

因此我们推测经由粪口传染仍然是最主要的传染途径。We thought that fecal -oral route by contaminated water might have been the primary transmission route.

在部分孩子中测定钙的排泄量,计算钙的代谢平衡。Endogenous fecal excretion was measured in a subset of children, and net calcium balance was calculated.

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粪便潜血检验每年一次,以检查粪便中是否潜血,粪便潜血是结肠癌的可能徵兆。Fecal Occult Blood test Every year to detect hidden blood in the stool, a possible sign of colon cancer.

广州市大坦沙污水处理厂承担着全市粪便水的处理任务。Guangzhou Datansha Sewage Treatment Plant is in charge of treating the fecal sewage from the whole city.

目的为了早期发现、诊断直、结肠癌,建立了一种检测便潜血的新方法。Objective To establish a new method detecting fecal occult blood for diagnosing early colorectal cancer.