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美国FDA计划出台措施,遏止滥用止咳药。FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine.

FDA规定了用于食品包装的材料。The FDA regulates chemicals used in food packaging.

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FDA批准一种有效的抗癌药物-顺铂。FDA approves cisplatin, a powerful anti-cancer drug.

与此同时,FDA已经对三氯沙展开了研究。Meanwhile, the FDA has also been studying triclosan.

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那个RFA根本就是对中国FDA报告的曲解。That RFA story is a distortion of the China FDA report.

现在食品和药品管理局以及药物厂商都在努力寻找解决方案。For now, the FDA and firms are scrounging for solutions.

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FDA引证兰伯西违反了“良好生产规范”。The FDA cited violations to “good manufacturing practice”.

在2009年3月份美国药管局该药的标签上增加了这个警告。In May 2009, the FDA added this warning to the drug's label.

FDA正在研究双酚A对人类身体健康的影响。The FDA is studying BPA's impact on human health and safety.

声明这些陈述没有经过FDA的评估。Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

美国食物及药物管理局称,他们并没有要求这类肉食品必须贴上标签。The FDA says they're not requiring this type of meat be labeled.

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FDA要求百特召回问题输液泵FDA Issues Requirements for Baxter Healthcare Infusion Pump Recall

食品及药物管理局一直在对纳米技术进行监管,目的是确保它的使用是有益无害的。FDA is monitoring the technology to assure such use is beneficial.

大多数情况下掺假没被检出。有时FDA会发现。Mostly, the adulteration went undetected. Sometimes FDA caught it.

FDA对水丰三文鱼的标注一直是一个激烈争论的问题。FDA labeling of AquaBounty salmon has been a hotly contested issue.

公司与美国药管局正在进行有关临床试验的洽商。The company is in discussions with the FDA regarding clinical trials.

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FDA表示,受铅污染的陶瓷多是由个人从墨西哥带入美国的。The FDA says the lead-tainted ceramics are usually brought into the U.

为了让消费者知情,FDA已经批准了处方药赛尼可的新标签,并正和阿莱的生产厂商研究如何修改现有标签以反映这一副作用。The FDA has approved a revised label for the prescription drug Xenical.

1960年美国FDA批准炔雌醇甲醚片作为第一种口服避孕药投入使用。In 1960 the FDA approves Enovid for use as the first oral contraceptive.