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守门人关掉了蒸汽。Janitors shut off steam.

让每眼暖锅都热可执手。Let every hot pot steam.

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火车头放气。The engine exhaled steam.

你也可以蒸鱼。You could also steam fish.

这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。This machine goes by steam.

水是如何变成蒸汽的?How can water turn to steam?

套房配有蒸汽浴室。Steam suite with a bathroom.

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锅炉排放了蒸汽。The boiler discharged steam.

蒸汽使我的眼镜模糊不清。The steam fogged my glasses.

蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。Steam erupted from the geyser.

蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The steam has fogged the mirror.

这部机器是用水蒸气推进的。This machine is driven by steam.

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你可以用汽熏把信封启开。You can steam open the envelope.

适用于各种蒸汽烫斗。Fit for all kinds of steam irons.

加热,水就能变成蒸汽。Heated, water changes into steam.

接着,你能看到云或蒸汽。Then you can see clouds or steam.

阿的蒸汽侧视图多方面的。A side view of the steam manifold.

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1765年詹姆斯瓦特的高效蒸汽机。James Watt's steam engine in 1765.

她比较喜欢蒸的水饺。She prefers to steam her dumplings.

壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。Steam rose from the boiling kettle.