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你认为在太空地球会无主吗?Do you think it would go ownerless in space?

在明清两代,钓鱼岛一直是中国海防体系中的一部分,因此,钓鱼岛并非无主之地。And China's coast defence contained Diaoyu islands in Ming and Qing dynasties. So, these islands were not ownerless in history.

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因为他知道这恋爱是不会把他从一只无主的狗——从一只带着金颈圈而受人怨骂的无主狗,变成一只享福的上流家的狗的。He knew it would not change him from an ownerless dog, whom everybody Begrudges its golden collar, into a comfortable society dog.

但近来,这个一度“寂寞花无主”的楼盘突然变得引人注目起来,售楼处热闹非凡,客户络绎不绝,销售额直线上升。But recently, the once "lonely flowers ownerless " suddenly become less visible up sales offices was bustling, customers visited sales rise.

经历了前后三期的改造建设后,目前仅存观前酒店公寓和玄妙广场两处商铺“名花无主”。And the transformation undergone three building, the current outlook remaining two former hotel apartments and shops choice Square "blossoms ownerless ."

申请书应当写明财产的种类、数量以及要求认定财产无主的根据。The written application shall clearly state the type and quantity of the property as well as the reasons for applying for ascertaining the ownerless property.

代理认定财产无主案件、选民资格案件、公示催告、督促程序等民事诉讼特别程序。Acting as an agent in cases concerning the determination of a property as ownerless , qualification of voter, public hastening, procedure for hastening debt recovery.

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申请书应当写明财产的种类、数量以及要求认定财产无主的根据。The application shall clearly state the type and quantity of the property and the grounds on which the application for determining the property as ownerless is based.

申请书应当写明财产的种类、数量以及要求认定财产无主的根据。The application shall clearly state the type and quantity of the property and the grounds on which the application for determining the property as ownerless is filed.

公告满一年无人认领的,判决认定财产无主,收归国家或者集体所有。Upon expiration of the period, the people's court shall render a judgment ascertaining the property as ownerless and proclaiming it the property of the state or the collective.