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第四章由读创写,是将所读的升华成写法。Chapter IV tells we should sublimate reading into writing.

这是非常强大的升华土星的邪恶的影响。It is very powerful to sublimate the malefic effects of Saturn.

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他的关于氯化汞的研究名为腐蚀性升华。He made discoveries relating to a mercury chloride called corrosive sublimate.

尽管我努力抑制,在爱情中我还是非常容易丧失我的进取心。It's easy for me to sublimate my ambition even though I'm working hard not to.

人文精神可以通过做事来体现,可以通过做人来升华。Humanistic Spirit can be manifested through work can be passed person to sublimate.

这种矿物可以在温泉的沉淀物中找到,它也是火山的升华产物。The mineral can be found in hot spring deposits and as a volcanic sublimate product.

可你和他又不能升华为爱的感觉,你们之间或者常常淡如水。Yet you can not sublimate the feeling between you and him as love, your relationship is as pure as crystal.

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认真挖掘、研究、提炼和升华红色文化是当前马克思主义理论研究和建设工程的重要内容。To tap, study, refine and sublimate the red culture is an major content to study and build Marxist theory at present.

最后,以张家界市生态观光农业园区规划为案例,作为实证研究使得理论和方法进一步升华。At last, the paper put Zhangjiajie Ecological Touring-agriculture Park as a study case to sublimate theories and methods further.

羞耻的本性在于遮蔽,在于对自我的升华,对自我异化的意识与认识,羞耻感产生于自我整体性与残缺性的冲突和斗争。The nature of shame is to hide and sublimate and alienate the self. Shame comes from the conflict and fight between the integral and incomplete self.

当她们无法获得这一角色的时候她们就经常指使他人以促升其精力、能力。Often they do dominate other people when roles are not available to them which more creatively sublimate their energies and utilize their capabilities.

这是三毛作为一个女人最快乐的一段时光,在她内心的深处,和荷西的爱恋,甚至愿意用童话般的思维去净化和升华。This is the first of a woman as one of the happiest moments, in her heart, and Jose love, even with the fairy tale to purify and sublimate of the thought.

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宏观农业研究试图把古代农学朴素的整体观升华为现代科学的农业整体观。The research of Macro-agriculture attempts to sublimate the naive view of entirety in ancient agronomy to that of scientific entirety in modern agriculture.

最终两人幡然醒悟,总结经验、找出问题根源解决问题,心灵由此升华。Final two people long narrow flag wakes up to reality like that, summary experience, find out problem germ to solve a problem, the heart from this sublimate.

品牌设计可以对品牌价值进行升华,系统的规划设计,找准战略方向、差异性和延展性,能使品牌在今后不断延伸。Brand design can sublimate to the brand value, system design and planning of the strategic direction and find a difference, ductility, can make the brand extends.

以极简主义为主调的设计中放置来自古典风格的边桌,将家居设计升华为独到的艺术品味。With extremely the table side come from classicism is set in the design that brief creed gives priority to tone, household design sublimate is original artwork flavour.

音乐审美教育早在两千多年以前就受到中国儒家的重视,认为音乐美育除了培养人格,还可以淳化社会风气、和谐社会。Confucianism considered that the aesthetic education of music could not only develop personality, but also sublimate general social conduct, and bring society into harmony.

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感动于“雪豹”雪山之神至纯至真、叹服于“雪豹”的刚柔并济、升华于“生命回想”的纯洁高尚。Moved by pure and genuine of "Snow Leopard" the god of snowy mountain, admired by soft and firm together of"Snow Leopard", and sublimate to be pure and nobly of "Life Memory".

我觉得,人生酸甜苦辣相交织,喜怒哀乐相交汇,方能达到心灵的升华。I feel, the life is all the sweet and bitter experiences mutually intertexture, the pleased the funeral music of hands over to remit mutually, then can attain the mind sublimate.

但是酒禁政策最终没能达到统治者的主观愿望,决策的理想化与现实的操作之间的差距正说明了这一政策的不可行性。But the prohibition policy of wine did not satisfy the rulers'wishes, the vast distance between the sublimate decision and real operation declarated the impracticability of the policy.