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角膜代谢状态良好。Corneas showed good glucose metabolism.

重新调整组织的新陈代谢Reprogramming organizational metabolism

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那你自己的代谢是怎么样的呢?And what does your metabolism do, anyway?

它们也能促进你的新陈代谢。They can also help boost your metabolism.

运动不克不及提高火酒的代谢。Exercise will not increase alcohol metabolism.

您身体脂肪代谢失去未经糟糕。Lose body fat without wrecking your metabolism.

痛风是由于嘌呤代谢异常引起的疾病。Gout is caused by abnormal metabolism of purine.

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代谢物是新陈代谢的产物。Metabolites are substances produced by metabolism.

了解基础代谢的测定方法。To understand calorimetry of the basic metabolism.

泛酸,帮助新陈代谢。Pantothenic Acid, helps the metabolism in the body.

生物都有新陈代谢。All living matter undergoes a process of metabolism.

血清钙与磷代谢正常。Serum calcium and phosphorus metabolism were normal.

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多补充维生素C,促进黑色素代谢。Multi-vitamin C, the promotion of melanin metabolism.

生物体内神经酰胺有多种生成途径。Ceramide may be generated from many metabolism routes.

生物化学现象,代谢,营养。G6. Biochemical Phenomena , Metabolism , and Nutrition.

你的能力,改变你的基础代谢是有限的。Your ability to change your basal metabolism is limited.

淋浴会促进循环系统的新陈代谢。Showers stimulates the circulatory system and metabolism.

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海藻也能平衡你的甲状腺和新陈代谢。Seaweeds also balance your thyroid and metabolism as well.

维生素D是关系到钙磷代谢的活性物质。Vitamin D is the key to calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

方法采用大鼠代谢笼法。METHODS Metabolism cage of rats was used in the experiment.