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他既能说又能写斯瓦希里语。He both speaks and writes Swahili.

大多数亚洲人也讲英语和斯瓦希里语。Most Asians also speak English and Swahili.

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这种装备名叫Huru,在斯瓦希里语里意思是“自由”。The kits are called Huru, Swahili for "Freedom."

正如一句斯瓦西里语语格言说的那样,当大家大象打架时,遭殃的却是小草。When elephants fight, goes a Swahili saying, it's the grass that suffers.

语文包括英语、斯瓦希里语、40多个地方民族语言。Languages include English, Swahili , and more than 40 local ethnic languages.

经考证,Nahla一词在斯瓦希里语中意为“礼物”,在阿拉伯语中意为“饮水”。Nahla has many meanings ranging from gift in Swahili to "drink of water" in Arabic.

汉森的第一和中等名称的斯瓦希里文出身,意思是“希望”和“爱”,分别。Henson's first and middle names are of Swahili origin, meaning "hope" and "love", respectively.

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在东非斯瓦希里沿岸的贸易城镇中,桑给巴尔石头镇是一个典型代表。The Stone Town of Zanzibar is a fine example of the Swahili coastal trading towns of East Africa.

我很喜欢学语言,我的本族语是英语,除了中文以外能说斯瓦希里语和法语。I very much enjoy studying languages, apart from English and Chinese, I speak Swahili and some French.

明杰�小学都没有窗户,来自印度洋的微风可以吹进斯瓦希�语语法课堂。Mivinjeni primary has no windows and the Indian Ocean breeze gently blows through the Swahili grammar class.

几周后我要远赴坦桑尼亚参加TED全球大会,走之前我想先学点儿斯瓦西里语。I’m heading to Tanzania in a few weeks for the TED global conference, and I’d like to improve my Swahili before I go.

乌查加斯,斯瓦希里语选举的意思,那只是我们为选举部署平台的名字。Uchaguzi, the Swahili name for elections, that's just the name of the platform that we've deployed for this election.

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所以,看到史瓦希里语在互联网上占有一席之地,而史瓦希里语的维基百科能够收录到1000篇文章,真是无比美妙。And so to see Swahili to have a presence online, to see Swahili wikipedia hit 1000 articles is just a wonderful thing.

拉穆古镇是东非最古老、存最完整的斯瓦希里人聚居地,并仍然保持着它的传统作用。Lamu Old Town is the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa, retaining its traditional functions.

所以当第一群农民妇女们不假思索就用斯瓦西里语展开热烈讨论时我很惊讶。So I was surprised when our first group of women farmers burst into a rapid-fire discussion in Swahili without hesitation.

他们计划在拉姆建造超级港口,一个斯瓦西里渔镇,在肯尼亚靠索马里方向的边境附近,因此得到了肯尼亚人的热烈支持。They are also cheered by a Kenyan plan to build a super-port at Lamu, a Swahili fishing-town near Kenya's border with Somalia.

为了调查考试对韐“介质”产生的效果,佩克和罗森让118名讲英语人士学习48个斯瓦希里语的单词。To investigate the effect of testing on mediators, Pyc and Rawson had 118 English-speaking participants learn 48 Swahili words.

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一个小青铜狮子塑像已经在尚加的索马里城发现了,还没有类似的东西在东非被发现。A small bronze statue of a lion has been found in the Swahili town of Shanga. Nothing similar has ever been found in East Africa.

你或许因此对自己说,趁着我的大脑还没退化,赶紧报名学习史瓦西里文和微积分,还有手风琴班吧!So you may be saying to yourself, I have to sign up right now for Swahili and calculus and accordion lessons before my brain withers away!

苏丹人,水手,奴隶,和香料商商人都曾经过这片位于东非斯瓦希里海岸神秘的群岛。Sultans, sailors, slaves, and spice traders have all passed through this mystical Indian Ocean archipelago on East Africa’s Swahili Coast.