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他是个熟练的机械师。He is an adept mechanic.

他针线活是内行。He's adept in needlecraft.

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做针线活儿,她可是把好手。She is adept at needlework.

而他们却是擅长于逃避此类任务。They are adept at evading such tasks.

机器翻译怎么变得这么好了?How have the machines become so adept?

他们有很多拿手的绝活儿。They are adept at many special skills.

我的老师对设计机器人是个内行。My teacher is adept at designing robots.

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作者很善于描写大的场面。The author is adept in depicting vast scenes.

另外杨桃还是医治咽痛的能手。Another carambola is adept at treating sore throat.

美国也证明了它擅长通过联合国进行操作。America also proved adept at working through the UN.

但是,一些专家说,中国对此尤为熟练。But the Chinese, some experts say, are notably adept.

来自乌鲁木,擅长长笛和古筝的演奏。From wulumuqi , to be adept in flute and zither playing.

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海伦精通音乐,而她的丈夫擅长绘画。Helen is adept in music and her husband is adept in drawing.

外行看热闹,内行看门道。Dilettante watch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance.

大匠运斤形容人技艺精湛或文笔娴熟高超。Great artisan yun jin describe skilled or highly adept writing.

每个部分都会由擅长该领域的一些优秀教师教我们。Several excellent teachers will pick up their adept part to teach us.

李延年善作曲,也善改编新曲。Li Yannian was adept at composing music and revising new compositions.

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所以,善于用兵的将帅,就好像率然一样。Thus the army adept in warfare may be likened to the snake, Shuai Ran.

单纯疱疹病毒很熟练地穿透皮肤并进入神经链路。HSV is adept at penetrating the dermis and reaching the nerve pathways.

现在我已经能敏捷地把头低下,机警地躲过打过来的拳头了。I bad by now become adept at dodging blows and i nimbly ducked my head.