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我的星座是大熊星座。My constellation is Great Bear.

星座考试是不可以看书的。The constellation test is not open book.

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因为我是牡羊座的关系吧!I supposed that my constellation is Aries.

双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda.

这颗行星位于天炉星座的南部。It sits in the southern constellation of Fornax.

怎样治疗便秘?排除宿便?How to treat constipation? Eliminate constellation?

我相信命,相信星座,然后我什么都不信。I believe in nothing except fate and constellation.

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摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。Capricornus is an ancient and venerated constellation.

以星座命名的房间佩有露天阶梯式浴盆。Constellation rooms come with an alfresco terrace tub.

星位于这个星座的西边缘。Epsilon lies at the western edge of the constellation.

轩辕十四是狮子座中最亮的星星。Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo.

每个星座三个字母的标准缩写。The standard 3-letter abbreviation for the constellation.

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星座的俯角降到了地平线以下。The depression of the constellation fell below the horizon.

这个星座中有几颗星时明时暗。Some stars of the constellation black out from time to time.

多如晨星的新家庭对孩子们又意味着什么呢?And what does the new family constellation mean for the kids?

观测是朝向牧夫座的天区进行的。This survey was taken in a region of the Bootes constellation.

星座计划被取消是因为奥巴马觉得月亮也就是那么回事。Constellation was cancelled when Obama decided the Moon was ho-hum.

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我们的星系刻正移向与仙女座星系碰撞之途。A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga.

眺望东南方向,你就可以看到猎户星座。Look over to the southeast and you can see the constellation of Orion.

这对于“恶法和好法官”的结合可能含有真实性。This may hold true for the constellation of "evil law and good judge".