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原始的产甲烷菌足以担当这个重任吗?Were primordial methanogens up to the task?

但这种夸克——胶子原始宇宙物质混合体的属性如何呢?But what was the nature of this quark-gluon primordial soup?

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哦,阿斯克勒庇俄斯,事物的原始法则是什幺?What, O Trismegistus, are the primordial principles of things?

在形式上,喀拉拉的蟒蛇知识是一种原始的动物崇拜。The serpent lore of Kerala is a primordial form of animal worship.

灯神作为纯净的源系灵体,他们免疫源系魔法。Djinns being pure primordial spirits, they are immune to Prime Magic.

“大手印”指的是我们通过禅修体验到的俱生智慧。Mahamudra is primordial wisdom that we experience through meditation.

第一个强调原始不变的特性。The first emphasizes the primordial and unchanging character of ethnicity.

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还有一天我们在路上看到了一只鳄龟,这只乌龟一袭原始的草绿色盔甲。On another day we met a snapping turtle in his primordial olive drab armor.

根状茎顶端的原分生组织由3~5个鳞片包被。The primordial meristem at the tip of rhizome is surrounded by 3-5 lepises.

原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made.

显然,我象是在灰暗的原始的浩淼之中,独个儿漂浮着。I was alone, floating, apparently, in the mind of a gray primordial vastness.

这种象征着变形力量的纹饰所表现的可能就是高祖夒。The primordial ancestor KUI is an anthropomorphized metamorphic power symbol.

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机智人物体现了一种原始存在,是本我、自我和超我的混同体。Tricksters are the primordial beings and the mixture of id, ego and superego.

这些尘埃和气体很有可能是原始的尘垢和被黑洞吞掉很久了的星星的残留物的混合物。This stuff is probably a mixture of primordial grime and the remnants of long-eaten stars.

在胚胎发育时期,原始生殖细胞形成并迁移至生殖腺,形成种系囊。Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development.

他们热爱对物质的关注,而对道德和社会方面的关注有着本质性的恐惧。They have an affinity for material concerns and a primordial fear of moral and social ones.

矮人用来自泰坦和巨人的上古工艺制作泰坦鳞甲。Dwarves took the primordial methods of producing titanscale armor from the titans and giants.

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为什么对佛陀要有虔敬心呢?因为你的本性是佛性,是俱生智,你可以成佛。Because you have the Buddha essence, primordial wisdom as your essence, and you can become Buddha.

正是原始象征思维,使原始岩画充满诗性。It was this very primitive symbolic thinking that made the primordial petrous picture full of poetry.

当你进入这片原始状态或强迫你回归真实自我和神内。When you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinity within.