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而他的内心立即激动地回应着这种异常的情绪。And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood.

也就在一刹那间,他对这种戏剧性的变化反应强烈,不禁毛骨悚然。And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood.

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我先是看别人玩,看到别人玩得那么惊险,那么高兴,自己也想尝试一下。I am first look at others to play, saw others play that thrillingly , is happy, oneself also want to attempt.

而是允许我们盘旋在他领地上,让我们激动地感受他的特质和整个画面。Instead he allows us to hover above his landscape and thrillingly feel both the particularities and the whole.

说到游泳,池塘里不比在河里游的畅快,这是哥哥说的。Making reference to swim is unlike to visit thrillingly in the river in garden pond, this is what elder brother says.

和许多女演员形成鲜明对比,她看起来既充满情欲,又如此有诱惑力,禀赋过人,有着令人激动的,不像贵妇人的胃口。In contrast to so many other actresses, she seemed as desiring as desirous, with the gift of a thrillingly unladylike appetite.

和2009年,中国新疆达瓦孜传人赛买提先后两次在天门山挑战39度极限坡度的高空钢丝最终成功,命悬一线、惊心动魄的挑战过程令人震撼。In 2008 and 2009, the descendant of Dawazi Craft Saimaiti thrillingly Challenged walking on 39 degrees slope of steel wire successfully , hanging by a thread.

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我很幸运地享受了很多个人生活上的成功,我有一位聪明而有爱心的妻子、两个好孩子,还有很多很棒的亲戚朋友。I'm fortunate to have enjoyed a lot of personal-life success, with a thrillingly brilliant and loving wife, two wonderful children and many great friends and relatives.

最重要当然是在经过了极其黑暗和忧虑的一个月后,我们进入了联赛杯决赛,而且仍然很有希望竞争四项冠军。Much more importantly, of course, we march on to Cardiff in a campaign which, despite a month of extraordinary gloominess and anxiety, is still thrillingly alive on four fronts.

篝火烤着我们的晚餐的时候,我抱着本书坐在露天平台上,光电池发出的光照在露台上的塑料桌子上,随着微弱然而突然颤动的火光而闪烁。As I sat on the deck nursing a book and the fire cooking our dinner, the photovoltaic lights on the plastic tables on the patio winked on with meager yet thrillingly unexpected rays of light.

面对有限时间的挑战,他们三人横跨整个地球,展开惊险刺激、充满危险、爱与欢乐的历险旅程。Facing the finite time challenge, their three people stretch across the entire Earth, launches thrillingly stimulates, fills the danger, the love happily with experiences dangers the journey.

在成百上千的令人战栗的牛逼的中国舞者,杂技演员,歌手和焰火技师之中,一辆红色的,双层伦敦巴士突兀凶恶的开进鸟巢体育馆。Amid the cast of thousands of thrillingly well-drilled Chinese dancers, acrobats, singers and fireworks technicians, a red, double-decker London bus chugged ominously into the bird's nest stadium.

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似乎每个人都同意卡梅隆导演和他领导的像罗马军团一样的设计团队和工作人员创造了一场令人激动的场景,它完美的细节让观众惊奇地相信有另外一个神奇的世界存在。Everyone seems to agree that the director, James Cameron, and his legions of artists and technicians have created a thrillingly immersive, lovingly detailed, surprisingly believable alternative world.