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杨素来到皇宫。Came to the palace.

这座宫殿很宏大。This palace is grand.

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一奉寝宫年月多。A palace in many years.

他走进宫去,两眼噙满了泪水。He went into his palace.

它是白金汉宫?Is it Buckingham Palace?

一座王宫建在山顶上。A palace crowns the hill.

这座宫殿具有一种特殊的魅力。The palace is beglamoured.

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你是说这整个宫殿吗?You mean the whole palace?

不知天上宫阙。Don't know sky palace gate.

这就是彼得罗夫斯基宫。It is the Petrovsky Palace.

宫殿非常有意思。Palace was very interesting.

宫殿四周环绕着一条林带。The trees belted the palace.

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流入深宫怅更多。Despair into the palace more.

宫殿是红黄相间的。The palace is red and yellow.

杨广来到仁寿宫。YangGuang came to the palace.

这里是少年宫。Here is the Children's Palace.

欢迎来文化馆。Welcome to the Culture Palace.

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这里是通海宫。Here is the sea-linking palace.

这里除了唐宫之外啊。In addition to the Tang Palace.

“或”你知不知道什么是宫是?Or Do you know what a palace is?