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在某种程度上,目前是通货膨胀时期。At some point in time this is inflationary.

而且,这么做还会造成通涨压力。They also argue that it might create inflationary pressures.

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西方立法者过去曾经批评特别提款权是通货膨胀。Western legislators have in the past criticized SDRs as inflationary.

远高于4%的通胀有触发一轮螺旋上升式高通胀的风险。Inflation much above 4 per cent risks starting an inflationary spiral.

他们担忧的是石油与食物价格以及通胀压力。They were worried about oil and food prices and inflationary pressures.

用上述方法使公共债务成为货币将导致通胀。Monetising a slug of public debt in this way is bound to be inflationary.

第二章,我们研究彩虹宇宙中的暴胀模型。In Chapter 2 we study the inflationary scenario in rainbow gravity formalism.

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所以为什么这次通货膨胀的爆发会煽起蔓延全球的群众抗议活动?So why has this inflationary explosion provoked mass protests around the world?

在去年初出现的通胀使得经济过热的影响已经越来越明显。The effects of overheating became clear in an inflationary scare early last year.

这降低了美国消费者的消费能力,加大了通胀压力。That crimps the spending power of U. S. consumers, and fuels inflationary pressure.

同时能源成本下降也可能会熄灭这微弱的,通胀的余火。And retreating energy costs may yet snuff out even these faint, inflationary embers.

1970年的通货膨胀流毒直到1982年春天才被美联储遏止。The inflationary virus of the 1970s had been felled by the Fed by the spring of 1982.

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这个月木星将与海王星、凯龙星相合,带来确实的收缩的影响。This month, Jupiter conjoins with Neptune and Chiron for a truly inflationary influence.

在美国,油价上涨比消费税的提高更具有通货膨胀的威胁。In the US, rising oil prices are more of a tax on consumption than an inflationary threat.

概括的说,信心市场国家的通货膨胀压力在今后六个月应该被密切关注。In a nutshell, EM inflationary pressure bears very close watching over the next six months.

在通货膨胀的环境下,分销商通过延迟应付账款的时间而获利。In an inflationary environment, they're making money on the float by stretching their payables.

只要联储局的行为是在回应这一需求,那么货币供给的增加并不带有通货膨胀性。As long as the Fed is responding to demand, an increase in the money supply is not inflationary.

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走走停停的通胀政策实际上伤害了最初的货币使用者的利益。Stop-and-go inflationary policies actually reduce the benefits of using money in the first place.

经济过热只会使初显恶化态势的通胀预期进一步恶化。An overheated economy can only exacerbate an incipient deterioration in inflationary expectations.

默克尔也不可能支持欧洲央行大规模的通货膨胀性地干预危机。And Merkel will not countenance a massive and inflationary intervention by the European Central Bank.