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我在化学方面是个劣等生。I was a dunce at chemistry.

他被暴打,被人往身上吐唾沫,被强迫戴上高帽。He is beaten, spit upon and forced to wear a dunce cap.

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头戴高帽,帽著翎毛,作舞蹈状。Wear a dunce cap, hat with feathers, for the dance-like.

你能相信会有这样的大笨蛋存在吗?Could you believe in the existence of such a colossal dunce ?

他连总统的名字都不知道,他觉得自己是个笨蛋。He felt like a dunce when he didn't know the name of the President.

聪明人知道自己不懂什么,蠢人则认为自己什么都懂。The wise man knows he knows nothing, the dunce thinks he knows all.

环球旅行的笨人比呆在家里的笨人还要愚蠢。The globe-trotting dunce is more stupid than the dunce who stays at home.

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上中学的时候我一直是班里的呆子,不坐在外面。In high school, I was always the dunce of the class and had to sit outside.

当他转校到布赖顿时,他作为劣等生的名声也跟他一起到了那里。When he changed his school to Brighton, his reputation as a dunce followed him.

看来你会说我太心软,如果你犯了一个傻瓜帽,我穿上它!It seems you would say I was too soft-hearted, If you made a dunce -cap I'd don it!

但是如果成年了的你还没有任何朋友,似乎是这世界给了你一顶傻瓜帽,然后你戴着它站在墙角。But if you don't have friends by the time you're an adult, it seems the world hands you a dunce cap and shows you to the corner.

后来我进了学校,也是在那个时候我的激情消退了,变成了一个完全的傻瓜,并一直就这么傻了下去。When I went to school, at which time the passion wore off, I was a perfect dunce at cyphering , and have continued so ever since.

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尽管我习惯把自己当做是智力还算不错的人,一旦提到数学我就会变成蠢蛋了。上学的时候我连初级水平都没达到。Although I like to consider myself a reasonably intelligent chap, when it comes to maths, I am a dunce. At school I failed the O-Level.

这张照片的具体日期不详。中国的红卫兵带着他们的罪犯在北京街头公开游行。Chinese Red Guards publicly parade their victims, who wear dunce caps and signs proclaiming their crimes, through the streets of Beijing.

比如,如果你想的是“我是个傻瓜”,那就想象自己戴着顶小丑帽,穿得非常可笑,像个傻瓜般跳来跳去。For example, if your thought is, “I’m an idiot, ” imagine yourself wearing a dunce cap, dressed very foolishly, and jumping around like a dork.

而这也几乎使得西班牙成为了欧盟各成员国中国民外语水平最低的国家之一,甚至还不如英国和爱尔兰。That puts Spain near the back of the European Union class for foreign languages, beaten in the dunce stakes by English-speaking Britain and Ireland.

19世纪最伟大的小说家之一,沃尔特·斯科特先生,曾被人称为“傻子之王”,并被戴上了象征劣等生的帽子,整整戴了一个月。The greatest novelist of the 19th Century, Sir Walter Scott, was given the title of "king of blockheads" and was made to wear a dunce cap for a whole month.

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19世纪最伟大的小说家之一,沃尔特·斯科特先生,曾被人称为“傻子之王”,并被戴上了象征劣等生的帽子,整整戴了一个月。The greatest novelist of the 19th Century, Sir Walter Scott, was given the title of "king of blockheads " and was made to wear a dunce cap for a whole month.

如今中国的老一辈,想起上世纪六十年代末的种种情景——长者被迫在众人面前弯腰低头,又或者是带着高帽游街批斗的老师——记忆的幽魂就萦绕心头,难以释怀。The images of elders, forced to bow before crowds, or teachers, in dunce caps herded through the streets, haunt Chinese old enough to remember the late 1960s.

当朴正熙1961年掌权时,该统治集团抓了许多诈骗犯在首尔游街,这些人戴着纸帽子、身上贴着诸如“我是一头腐败的猪”这类的标语。When Park Chung-hee seized power in 1961, the junta marched many of the racketeers through Seoul wearing dunce caps and placards with slogans such as "I am a corrupt swine".