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什么是情感顺应性?What Is Emotional Resilience?

韧性仍然在PVE中有效。Resilience still works in PvE.

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这也是一种平静的恢复力。There’s a calm resilience too.

大范围的回暖是共有的客观事实。Greater resilience is a shared objective.

它能增强面对灾难的适应力。It builds resilience in the face of adversity.

你怎样逐步帮她树立自豪感和适应能力呢?How do you instill pride and resilience in her?

但把赌注压在这样的弹性上是不安全的做法。Butit wouldbe safer not to bet on such resilience.

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我们必须保持警惕、绷紧神经。We must hold our nerve and maintain our resilience.

经验和智能编制了一个能够抚育恢复力的摇篮。Experience and intelligence meshed to foster resilience.

说,可能有一个弹性系数在控制。Roffman said there's likely a resilience factor at play.

酒店业显示出了另一种反弹的例子。The hotel industry presents another example of resilience.

但接下来的一些年将考验私募基金的屈伸力。But the next few years will test private-equity's resilience.

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基础设施在极端事件下的抵抗力。The Resilience to Extreme Events within Infrustructure Systems.

这就让他们忽略了更简单的弹性的性质。This tempted them to neglect the simpler quality of resilience.

即使遇到困难,它也能为我们提供一种安慰和缓冲。It builds resilience and provides a buffer in meeting set-backs.

使用与韧性电梯夜多方面的,24小时电梯。Use it with Resilience Lift Night for a multi-faceted, 24-Hour lift.

对人体无反弹力,从而易于减缓疲劳感。There is no resilience to the body, Hence it could relieve tiredness.

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普通的小强已经显示出了令人难以置信的生存力。Average cockroaches are already known for their incredible resilience.

练习师现在教授增加新的韧性的盾牌附魔。Added a new enchant shield recipe to trainers that increases resilience.

毫无疑问,适度的信心以及情绪的达观会对我们有所帮助。No doubt, reasonable levels of confidence and emotional resilience help.