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这简直是触及她的逆鳞。This is absolutely the negate scale that touches her.

非决定论否定事物的规律性吗?。Does the Theory of Non-decision Negate the Regularity of Things?

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互操作性问题会造成组织活动无效。Interoperability problems can negate organizational initiatives.

一味的否定并非就是标新立异。To always negate is not the way to create what is new and original.

但你能否认今天的改革成果吗?But can you negate the reform and its results today because of that?

你也可以喜欢力量和欢乐,或者你否定不良的习惯。You can also posit strength and joy, or you negate abuse and addiction.

如果你控制余额平衡,你不仅消解利益,你还会失去钱。If you carry a balance, you not only negate the benefit, you lose money.

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你可以否定恐惧,否定焦虑或者你可以崇尚沮丧或者虚弱。You can negate fear, negate anxiety or you can posit despair or weakness.

因此每天都要认真地刷牙和保护牙齿来消除患病的风险并且保持健康。Negate your risk and stay healthy with studious, daily brushing and flossing.

因为快乐不会自发而来,不会因为消除了忧愁,就变得快乐。Because happiness does not just come spontaneously when we negate unhappiness.

那样就是在彻底否定自己,彻底地催毁自信心。So is to completely negate their own, completely destroyed the self-confidence.

你的渴望中最轻微的不服衡,都会贬抑它,之后令其失效。The slightest unbalanced note in your desire lessens it and then can negate it.

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链条上的一个薄弱环节可能会否掉创新带来的诸多好处。One weak link in the chain can negate many of the advantages that innovation offers.

哪怕仅仅有一件事说的不恰当就能把一天里说的所有好的事情和行动全盘否定了。Saying just one wrong thing can negate an entire day of good statements and actions.

彻底否定真实收益的现实计量可能性是过于武断的。It is arbitrary to negate the probability of the measurement to real income absolutely.

刘勰虽然“崇佛抑道”,但他并没有全盘否定道教理论。While Liu Xie "venerated Buddhism but opposed Taoism", he did not entirely negate Taoism.

还有,黑火药成了清朝压制其他草原部落力量的一大利器。Gunpowder also aided theQing'scause, allowing them to negate the power of the steppe tribes.

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不能把“脂批”作为评论和否定后四十回的根本依据。The criticism of Zhi Yan Zhai cannot be regarded as the basis to appraise or negate the book.

总之我们要全面看待孔孟,不一言以蔽之全盘否定或全盘肯定。In short we have a holistic view of Confucius and Mencius, not a word, or negate the overall positive.

用筷子吃寿司或米饭时也能像滴管一样滴出调料汁啦,神马调料盘通通都不需要了!By using chopsticks to drop soy sauce on sushi or rise you negate the need for side bowls full of sauce.