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捡起一个蛤壳,在手里掂量一下它有多重。Pick up a clamshell and weigh it in your hand.

新系列将有非常漂亮的设计,当然,还有许多颜色。New clamshell has very beautiful design and, of course, many colours.

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我们的风格看到大多数是翻盖品种,像这样的。Most of the styles we were seeing were of the clamshell variety, like these.

与库柏七时开始,我们所有的2010年生产线将有新的包装袋。Starting with Cooperstown 7, all our 2010 lines will have new clamshell packaging.

而在唐代,中国开放的力度非常大,而且这种开放延续了好几百年。During the Tang dynasty the clamshell was wide open and remained so for many centuries.

液压抓斗式挖泥船的主要生产技术指标是斗容和生产率。The main technical index of hydraulic clamshell dredger is bucket capacity and productivity.

我不希望任何人打开一罐蛤壳,里面装着热的食物,这不对。I don't want somebody opening up a clamshell with some hot food in it. It's not right. It's not right.

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外壳为翻盖式,可对离心机外壳与转鼓夹层空间进行彻底清洗。Shell for the clamshell can be laminated centrifuge drum shell with space to carry out thorough cleansing.

双翻盖式车门设计提供了简单易用的接入的同时,提供不打折扣的力量和保护。Dual clamshell door design provides easy to use access while offering uncompromised strength and protection.

较大的翻盖为铆钉的抓斗产品特点一腔是适合举行产品不使用插入托盘。A larger clamshell for Rivet's Grab products features a cavity that is fit to hold the product without using an insert tray.

介绍了安川616G5变频调速技术和可编程控制技术在抓斗吊上的应用。Applications of 616G5frequency con version adjustment and programmable control technology in clamshell crane are introduced.

抓斗式挖泥船进行超深超宽施工时,精度控制始终是难题之一。When a clamshell dredger is used to carry out over-depth and over-width dredging, accuracy control is always one of the difficulties.

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三刀刃综合经驱动器螺旋桨展开之间的两半,其翻盖式枢纽的地位和初步的叶片角度定。The three bladed Warp Drive composite propeller was mounted between the two halves of its clamshell hub and the initial blade angle was set.

一种无奈的免费软件包,并没有多余的包装材料,如电线关系,硬塑料的“翻盖”的外壳,塑料绑定。A Frustration-Free Package comes without excess packaging materials such as wire ties, hard plastic "clamshell" casings, and plastic bindings.

她打开包裹,撕开时髦的蛤壳形盒子,望着首次面市型号的那一款iPod——苹果公司十分漂亮的音乐播放器,不禁皱起眉头。She unwrapped the package, cracked open the stylish clamshell box and frowned at the debut1 model of the iPod, Apple’s magnificent music player.

包装盒采用高级进口仿皮面料,弹簧翻盖盒。并配有喷漆木板,亚克力镶嵌立体支架。Packing box adopts advanced import imitation leather fabrics, spring clamshell boxes. And equipped with painted wood, acrylic enchase stereo stents.

珍珠“智能”手机的翻盖版,黑莓珍珠翻盖8220将于今年秋季由几家全球运营商推出。The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a clamshell adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers this fall.

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珍珠“智能”手机的翻盖版,黑莓珍珠翻盖8220将于今年秋季由几家全球运营商推出。The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a clamshell adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers this fall.

珍珠“智能”手机的翻盖版,黑莓珍珠翻盖8220将于本年秋季由几家全球运营商推出。The BlackBerry Pearl Flip 8220, a clamshell adaptation of the compact Pearl "smart" phone, will be available from several global carriers thellos fall.

他的家族很有钱,他父亲从帮助麦当劳做汉堡包装中赚足了钱。He also has deep pockets. His father's packaging firm came up with the clamshell box used to sell McDonald's Big Mac hamburgers and made billions of dollars.