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好了,想必。Well, presumably.

想来可能是人越大脸皮越薄了吧?Presumably the older skin is thin?

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因此据我揣测这也是一个双关语。So presumably this, too, is a pun.

我们约略了解到正义为何。We find out presumably what justice is.

某种金丝燕,大概是短嘴金丝燕。Some kind of swiftlet, presumably Himalayan.

弗兰克牛排和美味肉片,大概比较安全吧。Flank steak and filet mignon are presumably safer.

很好,就想你们看起来的样子,假设是这个,指着幻灯片。Well, what you're looking like presumably is this.

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我们中很多人是相信肉体的消亡的。Most of us presumably do believe our bodies will die.

那就是说,他们的增长数据可能是好的。That being said, their growth numbers presumably are good.

想来也只有这狂欢的领导者,上帝自己了。Presumably none other than the orgiastic leader, God himself.

你也可以通过看一眼她的身材便推测出她的年龄吗?Presumably you could tell that by looking at her body, as well?

你还年轻,所以你大概比我更怕死。You are young, so presumably you're more afraid of it than I am.

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大概这就是PBOC借“有适应能力的”货币所要表达的。Presumably that is what the PBOC meant by an “adaptive” currency.

这可能是由于这些化合物存在互变异构体所致。Presumably these are caused by the existence of tautomeric forms.

有时我们能看到鱼儿跃出水面,也许它们是逃避水下的险情。Occasionally we see a fish leap, presumably from danger underneath.

喷鼻水消费者假定地设想音量已恢复。The perfume consumer presumably assumes that the volume is resumed.

如果没猜错,我听到的那些球迷的抱怨就是缘于此。It was presumably that that the fans I heard were complaining about.

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我的意思是你大概还有朋友和家人在巴基斯坦吧。I mean you presumably still have friends and family back in Pakistan.

这会给市场负面信号,让他成为一个无能者。It would presumably rattle markets, while making him look ineffectual.

由于其目标汇率基于欧元,因此预计将被购入的是欧元。Since the target rate is based on the euro, presumably it will buy euros.