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查询词最新更新。Recent updates about QUERY.

重新解析旧的查询字符串。Reparse the old query string.

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类型安全查询如何提供帮助?How does a typesafe query help?

单击一项查询将再次执行它。Clicking on a query re-issues it.

查询与业务关键型数据Query versus business-critical data

她亳无质疑的收下了我的支票。She accepted my check without query.

查询分区上的所有员工。Query the partition for all employees.

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第一部分展示了查询语法。The first part shows the query syntax.

该查询计划显示了全表扫描。This query plan shows full table scans.

当艾米质问赵来晚上有时间吗?When Amy query zhao to night have time?

每个查询评估会耗费些许时间。Each evaluation of the query takes time.

该查询计划显示了一个全表扫描。This query plan shows a full table scan.

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启用PostgreSQL的多查询支持Enable Multi Query support for PostgreSQL

人员查询结果后处理插件Staff query result post-processor plug-in

在查询和检视表设计工具中巡览。Navigating in the Query and View Designer.

将这个定制的查询设为默认视图。Set this custom query as the default view.

然后,审计过程就可以查询这个键了。The audit process can then query this key.

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启用或禁用一个查询执行跟踪。Enables or disables a query execution trace.

郭宝昆质疑了什么,又回答了什么?Kuo Pao Kun's query and what was his answer?

建立查询提交的端点。This sets the endpoint for query submission.