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这块翡翠是豆绿种。This jadeite is Bean Green variety.

翡翠俗称玉中之王。Jadeite is usally called "king of jade".

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他现在已经能战胜翡翠王了!He can already win jadeite immediately sovereign!

翡翠赢得了“玉石之王”的美称!Jadeite has won the laudatory title of " jade king "!

心型缅甸玉坠鍊,珠宝师工艺手工精镶顶级晶钻。Burma Jadeite heart pendant inlaid with shiny crystals.

其在皮壳上均有不同表现。Each type of jadeite jade has its different weathered crust.

翡翠是一种硬玉,主要产于缅甸。The jadeite is a kind of jadeite , mainly producing in burma.

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还有巨大的差距超过翡翠的概念,我们正在谈论。There's huge gap of concept over jadeite that we are talking about.

铝硅钡石是缅甸帕敢翡翠矿床中新近发现的一种矿物。Cymrite is a new discovered mineral in the jadeite jade deposit of Myanma.

说明以色差大小为标准,对绿色翡翠颜色进行分级的可行的。It is applicable to use color scale in the grading of color of jadeite jades.

翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.

利用相对密度可以很容易区分翡翠和软玉。Using relatively density one can distinguish easily between jadeite and nephrite.

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新闻发布会上,七个翡翠王还公布了明天的比赛规则。On the newspaper session, seven jadeite kings still announced tomorrow's game rule.

在对9个B货翡翠样品进行常规宝石学特征描述的基础上,进行了红外光谱测试。The infrared spectra of 9 samples of Type-B jadeite jade are presented in the paper.

让买家在这里真正找到翡翠的天生丽质和收藏价值!Let buyer find collection value and the inborn beautiful quality of jadeite really here!

祖母绿色顶级老坑玻璃种翡翠在标准光源D65光源和A光源下显色都能达到极致。High-grade jadeite jades should use light source A, because it can enhance the color green.

手镯是翡翠首饰类最受欢迎的一个款式之一了,它象征着圆满与永恒。Bangles are one of the most popular forms of jadeite jewelry, symbolizing unity and eternity.

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翡翠颜色分为翡和翠,另外还有一些白色和紫色的。The color of jadeite is divided into Yellow and Green moreover have some white and purple of.

合成硬玉玉石的结构比天然翡翠的要简单得多。The textures of the synthetic jadeite jade stone are more simple than that of the natural jadeite jade.

富御珠宝玻璃种翡翠手镯,以维多利亚式古董珠宝为设计概念,复古唯美。Rich Jade's glass jadeite in the design concept of Victorian style antique jewelry with retro aesthetics.