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他们耻笑我胆小。They mocked at my timidity.

怯弱是通向消沉的桥。Timidity is the bridge to dejection.

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他嘲笑他朋友的胆怯。He twitted his friend with his timidity.

谦逊并不会导致胆怯。Self-effacement did not lead to timidity.

这时,爱弥儿变得一点也不拘束了。By this time Emil had lost all his timidity.

约翰毫不畏怯地反抗那个恃强凌弱的家伙。John stuck up to the bully without the least timidity.

同时谦虚和怯懦这两者之间的区别也是很明显的。There is a fine line between humility and timidity too.

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因此,胆小的人关注着中国官方的反应。Hence the timidity one observes in the halls of Chinese power.

他和生人谈话简直像小孩子一样面嫩。He shows an almost childlike timidity in talking with strangers.

一阵感情激动冲破了羞怯,海蒂终于说话了。An impulse of feeling now overcame her timidity , and Hetty spoke.

有些学生在课堂上由于胆小而不敢提问。Some students don’t dare to question in class because of timidity.

对这班人阿切尔夫人和她那个小圈子怀有某种畏怯感。Archer and her group felt a certain timidity concerning these persons.

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她好象没有敌意,胆小又奇怪。She the good elephant don't have hostility, timidity and then oddness.

和我在一起他就不自在,他的吵嚷大都是由于怯懦。He was not at ease with me, and much of his bluster rose from timidity.

对这班人阿切尔夫人和她那个小圈子怀有某种畏怯感。Mrs. Archer and her group felt a certain timidity concerning these persons.

更值得提及的是,对做过外科手术的脚,他丝毫没有显示出任何胆怯。More importantly, he showed no signs of timidity regarding his surgically repaired foot.

70年代,基辛格和毛只要碰面就开玩笑说印度真是可怜的胆怯。In the 70s Kissinger and Mao cracked jokes about Indias pathetic timidity when ever they met.

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在这个问题上,政要们不仅展现他们的胆小,还有许多民众的不满情绪。In this, the politicians display not only their own timidity but also the mood of many voters.

在一般人看来,它似乎是一个估计错误、部署混乱、临事怯懦和胡里胡涂的突出实例。To the world at large it seemed a glaring example of miscalculation, confusion, timidity , and muddle.

青春意味着在气质上有闯劲而不怕追求,有冒险精神而不贪图安逸。Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, of adventure over the love of ease.