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木聚糖和木质素生物油产量较低,表现出较好的热稳定性。The bio-oil from xylan and lignin shows a higher thermal stability.

目前安全有效的方法就是通过生物技术即利用木聚糖酶降解木聚糖。Xylanase degradation of xylan is the most safe and effective method at present.

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介绍用蒸煮法从玉米芯中提取木聚糖的优化研究。The paper reported technology optimization of extracting xylan from corncob by steaming.

本实验选用六碳葡聚糖木薯淀粉和甘蔗五碳木聚糖为材料,对其生化特性进行研究。Cassava starch and sugar cane xylan were chosen as testing material and their properties were studied.

木聚糖作为重要的半纤维素,是自然界中除纤维素以外含量最高的可再生资源。Xylan accounts for the second concentration of Renewable resources as a major hemicellulose in nature.

基于对木聚糖酶研究的需要,探讨了从玉米芯中提取木聚糖的工艺条件。Based on the study of xylanase, the extracting methods and conditions of xylan from corn cob were improved.

木聚糖广泛存在于植物细胞壁中,是自然界中含量仅次于纤维素的可再生生物资源。Xylan which is mainly found in plant cell wall is the most abundant regenerate resource secondary to cellulose.

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这说明星天牛幼虫肠道中木聚糖的消化主要在中肠特别是中肠前部进行。Thisindicated that xylan digestion was mainly occurred in the midgut of larvae, especially in the anterior-midgut.

甘蔗渣中的半纤维素可水解转化成木糖,然后电解为木糖醇。Xylan consisted in bagasse can be transformed into xylose by hydrolysis then changed into xylitol by electrolysis.

随着木聚糖含量的增加,除P外饲粮养分真利用率降低。With the increase of the xylan contents in broiler diets , the true availabilities of nutrients except P decreased.

在此最佳条件下酶解木聚糖样品证实,单一的酶不能完全降解木聚糖,需要多个酶的共同参与。As the result, the unitary enzyme can not degrade the xylan completely, the working together of more enzyme is needed.

试验分五轮进行,每轮进行一种基础饲粮,同时设一个处理用饥饿法测定内源养分排泄量。Five TME assay trials were conducted to determine the nutrient utilizations of the five diets in different xylan contents.

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木聚糖酶是木聚糖降解过程中最关键的一个酶,水解木聚糖产生木低聚木糖和木糖。Xylanase is the most important enzyme in the degradation of xylan. It hydrolyzes xylan into xylooligosaccharide and xylose.

采用凝胶过滤色谱法研究了木聚糖在酶解过程中分子量分布的变化。The changes of the molecular weight distributions of xylan during enzymatic hydrolysis have been investigated with gel filtration chromatography.

木聚糖酶对饲粮养分真利用率提高效应在高木聚糖水平饲粮中更明显。The improvement of nutrient availiabilities is not significant after xylanase is added into diets until the dietary xylan content is high enough.

内切木聚糖酶能将水不溶性阿拉伯木聚糖转化为水溶性阿拉伯木聚糖,从而改善了面团中面筋网络的弹性。Endo-xylanase can transform insoluble Arab xylan into water-soluble Arab xylan, and then it can improve the flexibility of lattice texture in gluten.

水解木聚糖的主要产物以木二糖为主,适合分解半纤维素中的木聚糖生产功能性低聚木糖。The main product of hydrolyzing xylan is xylobiose, and the present invention is suitable for decomposing xylan in hemicellulose to produce functional oligoxylan.

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对各自热解过程的儿种具有代表性的产物的生成作了分析推理,并分两阶段对木聚糖的热解过程进行了表观动力学模拟。A detailed analysis was made to the releasing process of major volatiles during pyrolysis process, and a two-stage global model was used to simulate xylan pyrolysis.

谷物饲料中存在的木聚糖是阻碍营养物质消化的主要抗营养因子之一,它使饲料消化利用率大大降低,阻碍畜禽的生长发育。The xylan existing in grain feed is a major kind of anti-nutritional factors, it can reduce feed digestibility significantly and hinder the growth of livestock and poultry.

自然界中木聚糖是多种糖类的复合体,这就使得木聚糖酶呈现多态性和多域性,由此需将繁多的木聚糖酶进行归类。Xylan in nature is a complex of many polysaccharides, and this makes it appears polymorphism and poly-sphere, therefore, it is necessary to classify xylanase of great variety.