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英雄抑或恶霸?Hero or bully?

他变成了我的英雄。He became my hero.

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他是一个真正的好男儿。He is a true Hero.

斯诺登是个英雄。Snowden is a hero.

他表现得像个英雄。He acted as a hero.

Mukhtar是我的英雄。Mukhtar is my hero.

要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in strife!

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那么,来吧,我的英雄。Come, then, my hero.

他表现得像个英雄。He acts like a hero.

汤姆是一个小英雄。Tom is a little hero.

做一名英雄汉立马横枪!Be a hero in the affray!

做一名英雄汉立马横枪!Be a hero in the strife!

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做一个横刀立马的英雄!Be a hero in the strife.

一钱难倒英雄汉。A money stumped hero han.

要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in the strife !

汽车人的真英雄。True hero of the Autobots.

尽管战马和英雄倒下去了。While horse and hero fell.

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于是神造就他成为英雄。God made a hero out of him.

戈谭市需要一个真正的英雄。Gotham needs its true hero.

恽寿平成了我的新偶像。My new hero is Yun Shouping.