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大多数人的手机就像是他们的义肢。Most people's cell phones are prosthetics.

但她靠义肢学会了走路,骑自行车,游泳,还有各种运动。She learned to walk, bike, swim and play sports using prosthetics.

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他们有更加多的信息来源,让他们了解什么是义肢。They have so much more access to information and to learn about what prosthetics are out there.

这只可爱的小牛犊名叫美登高,它被认为是第一头装了两只假肢的牛犊。This adorable calf named Meadow is believed to be the first calf ever fitted with double prosthetics.

研究人员研制出了理程碑式的人造皮肤,它能赋予假肢对触摸以实在的感觉。Researchers reached a milestone with artificial skin that could give prosthetics a realistic sense of touch.

这一研究成果使医学界向无须大脑植入手术就可用意识控制的修复术临床化走得更近。The achievement brings closer the prospect of thought-controlled prosthetics that do not require brain surgery.

以总数来说,前臂截肢患者毕竟仍是少数,所以义肢市场非常难打入。Still, in absolute terms, the number of upper-limb amputees is small, and the prosthetics market is hard to crack.

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但是,有些时候,科学也会帮助动物,修复术就是其中最主要的一种方式。But sometimes, science steps in to help animals, and one of the most prominent ways that happens is in prosthetics.

奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯的诋毁者将他的非凡成就归因于他的假肢。Time and again, Oscar Pistorius' detractors explicitly attributed his otherworldly athletic prowess to his prosthetics.

我们谈过很多关于润肤霜的内容,因为我们的脸都太需要修复了。"We talked a lot about moisturiser, " laughs Blanchett, "because there were so many prosthetics involved for both of us.

她找到了训练师,从他们那儿她得以联系上发明者,马里兰州贝塞斯达的“支架的修复和矫正”公司。She approached the trainers, who put her in touch with the inventors, Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics in Bethesda, Maryland.

美国运输安全管理局的一名代表告诉WBTV,这件事情正在调查,但是也说特工们是被允许对假肢进行检查的。TSA representative tells WBTV that that incident is under review, but says agents are allowed to see and touch prosthetics.

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方法对下颌后牙残根、残冠累及根分叉病变的24个患牙,采用分根法作保存修复。Methods Separating roots was used for the conservative prosthetics of 24 mandibular posterior teeth with furcation involvement.

方法选择磨牙的残根残冠,经完善的根管治疗后,采用分根法作保存修复。Methods Separating roots was used for the conservative prosthetics of the molars residual roots and crowns which were selected.

这些矫形假体可包括关节端部假体的元件以及更换居间骨骼缺损的部件。These orthopaedic prosthetics may include elements of a joint endoprosthesis as well as components to replace intercalary bone loss.

鸟类发声系统是人类语言发声系统的简单模型,能为修复外科等学科的研究提供借鉴。Bird's vocal system is the simple model of studying human language phonation and it can give thought to the construct prosthetics , etc.

人们通常会把假肢给宠物和农场的动物装上,但是科学家们还发明了供濒危动物使用的假肢,以确保它们能存活下去。Pets and farm animals are common recipients, but scientists have also created prosthetics for endangered species to ensure their survival.

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他私下会见了一些受伤的老兵。事后,假肢部门的主任约翰·罗森说王子提到了王子对老兵的理解。He met behind closed doors with other wounded veterans, and afterward, the chief of prosthetics , said the prince spoke of their camaraderie.

他参观了假肢部门,并握了海湾战争老兵保尔·亚伯拉的人造手,还开玩笑假装很害怕它强大的握力。He visited a prosthetics section, shaking the artificial hand of a gulf war veteran, Paul Yarbrough, and jokingly wincing at the strong grip.

因此,了解脑皮层控制手臂运动,研究二者之间的关系具有十分重要的意义,将可能使那些渴望运动却无法实现的人们受益非浅。So better knowledge of the extraction algorithms for cortical control of arm prosthetics can help people who want to move but have no ability.