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可能是一顿打。Maybe a beating.

受到过摔打或者撞击。By beating or impact.

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我的意思是,打他们。I mean, beating them.

鼓在咚咚地响。The drums are beating.

你拍他打他,它还愿意吗?He won't stand beating.

战鼓敲响了。The war drum is beating.

他的心脏停止了跳动。His heart stopped beating.

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那坏男孩挨了一顿打。The bad boy had a beating.

我控制不住打了他一顿。I can not help beating him.

昨天我挨了顿打。I took a beating yesterday.

平缓下来,我驿动的心。Slow down my beating heart.

他被痛打一顿。He received a severe beating.

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我听见自己的心脏在怦怦地跳动.I hear my heart beating fast.

我能听见你的心脏在跳动。I can hear your heart beating.

她的心高兴得直跳。Her heart was beating with joy.

我的心扑扑地跳。I listened to my heart beating.

雨正敲打着树林。The rain was beating the trees.

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那只鸟在拍打这它的翅膀。The bird was beating its wrings.

他觉得他的心在猛跳。He felt his heart beating wildly.

波浪拍击着海岸。The waves were beating the shore.