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他总是很自以为是。He is always pontifical.

世界家庭大会教皇委员会负责人。President of the Pontifical Council for the Family.

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在当代的用法是指对教皇的瑞士卫队梵蒂冈城。In contemporary usage it refers to the Pontifical Swiss Guard of Vatican City.

该命令收到此像其他许多宗座佣金中,只有遗憾。The order received this like many other pontifical commissions, only with regret.

国防部的信仰和镇压异端基本上是一个使徒和宗座工作。The defense of the Faith and the repression of heresy is essentially an apostolic and pontifical work.

但是﹐梵蒂冈负责历史科学的主教委员会主席布兰穆勒试图使信徒们转变观念。The campaign to reassess Judas is being led by Monsignor Walter Brandmuller, who is head of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Science.

最重要的是,教宗科学院将自己定位为积极引领对外星生命的科学探究。Most importantly, the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Science positioned itself as a leading sponsor on scientific inquiry into extraterrestrial life.

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去年五月份的时候,我出席了一个关于科学和公共政策的研讨会,会上一位来至梵蒂冈教皇科学院的代表做了一个主题演讲。Last May I attended a conference on science and public policy at which a representative of the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences gave a keynote address.

如今他在瑞士和波兰讲授欧洲电影方面的内容,他是波兰TOR电影制片厂的一位导演,也是文化委员会的一名成员。He currently teaches European film in Switzerland and Poland, is a director of the Polish film studio TOR, and is a member of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

1969年,我回到家乡罗马城,求学于声望很高的罗马教皇的格列高里大学,在该大学450年的历史上,我是第一个被接纳的非天主教学生。In 1969 I returned to my native city of Rome to study at the prestigious Pontifical Gregorian University, where I was the first non-Catholic to be admitted in over 450 years of its history.

这位担任教廷宗座文化委员会主席的枢机主教说,一些教堂礼拜者的人数每况愈下,意谓著现在出售或甚至摧毁这些建物是合理的。The archbishop, who is president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, said dwindling numbers of worshippers at some churches meant it now made sense to sell, or even destroy, the buildings.