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宇宙有限论是甚麽?What is cosmological finitism?

“世界线”代表了宇宙箭头的模型。The world lines modeled the cosmological arrow.

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尽管当代哲学家几乎都不同意阿奎那的五种证明,阿奎那版的宇宙论和本体论证明至今却还仍被天主教廷所接受。Versions of Aquinas’ cosmological and ontological arguments are still

都卜勒红移和宇宙学红移是由两个截然不同的准则所支配。The Doppler redshift and the cosmological redshift are governed by two distinct formulas.

洛克认为,可以通过一种宇宙论来证明上帝的存在。Locke thought that you could prove the existence of God by a sort of cosmological argument.

但是即便如此,这个理论值还是比观测值大太多了。But even this theorized density is far larger than that indicated by cosmological observations.

今天就连信奉正统派基督教的人被天文学家的宇宙论搞得很郁闷。Nowadays not even fundamentalists are upset by the latest cosmological theories of astronomers.

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这个M理论所希望达成的整合理论已然成为了继爱因斯坦之后宇宙学的圣杯。The unified theory that M-theory hopes to be has been the cosmological Holy Grail since Einstein.

宇宙学的红移现象,通常区别于多普勒效应。Cosmological redshifts, however, are generally considered to be different from the Doppler effect.

布索和同事称在宇宙永远膨胀理论中存在一个“计量问题”。Bousso and colleagues say there's a "measure problem" in the cosmological theory of eternal inflation.

本文利用宇宙大爆炸模型来说明宇宙不会“热寂”。In this paper, with the Cosmological model of big, it is explained that the Universe can not be heat still.

本片关注现代作品和帕米欧基翁运动的宇宙论理解。Koriam's Law concerns itself with the contemporary works and cosmological understandings of the Pomio Kivung.

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余辉的发现和随后的深入观测证实伽玛射线暴产生于宇宙学距离上。The discovery and consequent detailed observations of GRB afterglows strongly support the cosmological origin.

本文用超空间方法对其有宇宙学常数的二维诱生引力进行量子化。The two dimensional theory of induced gravity with cosmological constant is quantized in the superspace approach.

因此,这膜上无法消除的时空弯曲就表现的如同宇宙常数,导致了宇宙的加速膨胀。Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion.

对于宇宙论证明,休谟认为,它是基于因果联系的必然性来达至的。For the cosmological proof, Hume believes that it is based on the necessity to achieve the causal link between the.

其他宇宙数据,比如星系分布测量等,都和模型保持完美的一致。Other cosmological data, such as measurements of the distribution of the galaxies, also jibe nicely with the model.

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在远古世界较成熟的社会中,宇宙的种种奥秘被认为就是众神存在的证据。To the more sophisticated societies of the ancient world, cosmological mystery was proof that there were many gods.

在宇宙的一种替代观点中,抛弃了宇宙学原理,空间也在不均匀的膨胀。In an alternative view of the universe, one that jettisons the cosmological principle, space, too, expands unevenly.

于是,由粒子物理里的世纪谜团所引出的粒子观点很好地解释了宇宙观测结果。Thus, particles motivated by a century-old puzzle in particle physics beautifully explain cosmological observations.