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全副武装的和披甲的武器平台。Heavily armed and armored weapon platform.

看金戈舞处,我心如铁。See armored dance at my heart, such as iron.

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其中一间房前面停着一辆装甲运钞车。Parked in front of one house was an armored car.

一小股装甲部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。Small armored forces had reconnoitered the area.

机械鲨鱼披甲上阵,挑战性更强!Mechanical sharks armored battle more challenging!

后来我又发现一辆装甲车在古翠路的路口。And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road.

第38装甲师的一名克隆人战斗工兵。A clone combat engineer of the 38th Armored Division.

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VX机甲是非常轻装甲的变形体。The Chopper VX is a very lightly armored Transformer.

这些兵佣有待出土、修复。These armored figures await excavation and restoration.

一个装甲侦察小组一般不超过三辆车。The armored recon group shall not be more than 3 vehicles.

兰潘说,西南地区司令部想开展装甲作战。The RC—Southwest region lends itself to armored operations.

敌方装甲部队在拉塞突破我方防御。Enemy armored forces driving through our defenses at Lessay.

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装甲部队部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克。The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks.

它的身体覆盖着盔甲似的皮革和小骨刺。Its body is covered with armored hide and small boney spikes.

如果受到攻击,恶蟹会召唤2-3个覆甲勇士。If they are attacked, Drones summon two-three Armored Warriors.

背景中可以看到Strykers装甲车的天线。In the background are the antennas of Strykers armored vehicle.

大都市是非常矮胖的体形,看起来像披甲的刀把。Metroplex is very stocky looking and looks armored to the hilt.

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国王正考虑派遣一旅装甲部队前往叙利亚。The King was thinking of sending an armored brigade into Syria.

国王正在考虑派遣一装甲旅前往叙利亚。The king was thinking of sending an armored brigade into Syria.

国王正考虑派遣一旅装甲部队前往叙利亚。The king was thinking of sending an armored brigade into syria.