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你知道你为何躲在那个壕沟里吗,布洛依?You know why you hid in that ditch, Blithe?

他显得毫不顾及她的感情。He showed a blithe indifference to her feelings.

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六月的颜色是美丽的、明亮的、轻快的。The colors of June are beautiful, bright and blithe.

别人让我唱歌时,对我来说,是一件愉快的事情。It is blithe for me when other people ask me to sing.

从盲目乐观的拒绝到几天之内的危言耸听的排名。FROM blithe denial to rank alarmism in a matter of days.

他并非华尔街上假装笑脸、漠不关心的专家。He is no blithe guru spray-painting smiley faces along Wall Street.

佩奇轻率的解雇谷歌内异见员工的行为起码是不明智的。Page's blithe dismissal of Google's critics is impolitic at the least.

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她不管多么艰难继续斗志昂扬地工作。She continued to work in a blithe spirit in spite of all difficulties.

正是这种盲目乐观的态度造成了房地产泡沫的出现。This blithe attitude is ultimately behind real estate bubbles where they are occurring.

毕竟,这种漫不经心的折衷主义世界观是有其迷人之处的。There was, after all, something charming about the blithe eclecticism of this worldview.

愉快的面对你生命中的每一天,尝试着去躰会,去品味,去鳡激。Face everyday in your life with a blithe spirit, try to experience, to taste, to appreciate.

在处于任何环境下,若要拥有愉快的状态,都必须保持身体舒适。Under any circumstance, if you want to be in a blithe state, you must keep your body comfortable.

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就这项核能合作协议而言,印度人对其成功的几率如此自信的原因或许源自别处。As for the nuclear deal, Indians’ blithe faith in its chances may stem from something else altogether.

站在空旷大地之上,我的头脑沐浴于欢欣大气并升腾于无限空间,一切卑劣的自高自大和自我中心消失无踪。Standing on the bare. ground, my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, all egotism vanishes.

然而我们沉默,因为沉默我们可以假装两人的甜蜜,在对内心空虚熟视无睹中度过每一天。Yet silence loomed over us, leaving us in pretended sweetness with each passing day consumed by the blithe disregard for our inner emptiness.

卷头发,大大的褐色眼睛还有准备好的微笑,他是完美的万人迷,是寓言里的“安息日小孩”,漂亮无忧美好天真。With his curly hair, big brown eyes and ready smile, he was a consummate charmer, the proverbial Sunday's child, bonny and blithe and good and gay.

然而我们沉默,因为沉默我们可以假装两人的甜蜜,在对内心空虚熟视无睹中度过每一天。Nevertheless, we are silent. Because of silence we could assume a look of sweetness, and live each day with blithe disregard for emotional emptiness.

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在这圣诞节的日子里,当教堂的欢乐钟声响起,他从房中走出来,穿着那套节日礼服,完全是一副可怜的样子。On the present festive occasion he emerged from his room, when the blithe bells were going, the picture of misery, in a full suit of Sunday penitentials.

但是这种“非正式”的过程能够成功的关键,取决于当脆弱的新理论一开始被怀疑的风暴包围时能否以一种天真乐观的方式来无视既有证据。But the success of this "unofficial" process depends on a blithe disregard for evidence while the vulnerable young theory weathers an initial storm of skepticism.

我现在知道那本书多么的轻率和愚蠢,但是我知道很多人,包括同志或者直人,都认为同志相比直人更不善于维护感情关系。I know now that the book was blithe and stupid, but I think many people, gay and straight, assume gay men are worse at maintaining relationships than straight people are.