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经过今天的事情,我觉得它要妥善保管。After today, I thought it needed safekeeping.

我将把它托给一个朋友妥善保管。I will commit it to a friend for safekeeping.

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此卡丢失不补,请妥善保管。This card is not lost supplement, please safekeeping.

他们把箱型车拖到教会的停车场保管。They towed the van to the church parking lot for safekeeping.

各部门需妥善保管准确的员工排班表。Safekeeping of all departments to be accurate staff scheduling table.

我们的狗在树下挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

我们的狗在树上挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

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我们的狗在树下挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去,以防不测。Out dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping.

蒸发密令约翰是美国法警,在证人安全保护中心工作。John is the American bailiff, in witness safekeeping of security main task.

他们用保险箱,或其他安全的方式储存金子They would store gold and they would have a safe or some sort of safekeeping.

管理备件备品仓库,并及时对生产提供支援。Responsible for safekeeping spare parts and supporting for production in time.

本表格所有信息均属机密,安能公司将妥善保存。All information in this table are confidential, everlast company for safekeeping.

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网上购物时,特别注意你帐户信息的安全。When e-shopping, pay particular attention to safekeeping your account information.

信托财产的保管账户和信托财产专户应当为同一账户。The safekeeping account and special account of the trust properties shall be the same.

为了不丢失原始文件,可以制作原文件的副本,以妥善保管。So that you do not lose the original file, make a copy of the original for safekeeping.

事实上国王被火化之后由白银之手骑士团保管他的骨灰罐。He was actually cremated and his urn sent to the Order of The Silver Hand for safekeeping.

妥善保管保险柜钥匙,保险柜内除少量备用金外不要存放大额现金过夜。Never leave a great deal of cash in your safe overnight, and be sure of keys in safekeeping.

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这些资料现在把我家堆得很满,还有一些在我一个乡下的朋友家里保管。They fill up my apartment and some are in the countryside at a friend’s house for safekeeping.

另外两个缪丝将钻石城堡的钥匙托付给了美洛蒂来保管。In an act of safekeeping the other two muses entrusted the key of the Diamond Castle to Melody.

有一天约翰的生意很好,他把一只装有3000英镑的钱包放进微波炉里保存。Jonh had a very good day and put his wallet containing 3000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping.