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蜜蜂嗡嗡响地穿梭在花丛。Bees drone among the flowers.

但是,这场无人机战役能打胜吗?But is the drone war winnable?

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但这些“雄蜂”打击真的起作用吗?But are the drone strikes working?

大家说有可能是一架无人机。People saying it could be a drone.

结果这破旧的乐高机器人只是嗡嗡响。The result was a clunky Lego drone.

然后,您需要初始化从属节点。Next, you'll initialize the drone node.

别虚度青春年华。Don't drone away the precious years of youth.

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在和煦的阳光下,很多昆虫在草地里嗡嗡的叫着。Insects drone in the Meadow under golden sun.

他可凭诚实的劳动生活时,他不愿游手好闲。He wouldn't drone when he may live by honest labour.

我一直在听发动机的嗡嗡声,直到我入睡。I listened to the engine drone on until I fell asleep.

所以其在无人驾驶扩散麻烦Aeryon的作用?So did its role in drone proliferation trouble Aeryon?

部署的獭兔,并尽快作出突发无人驾驶飞机和一些信息战。I deploy the rax ASAP and make a burst drone and a few IW.

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有耐心,让每一位发言者把话说完,即使他们漫无边际。Be patient and let each speaker finish, even if they drone on.

偶尔能听到飞机掠过的声音。Occasionally could be heard the drone of an unmolested 'plane.

我们听着飞机引擎不停地嗡嗡叫,后来就睡着了。We listened to the plane engine drone on until we fell asleep.

马哈苏德被淘汰在2009年8月由无人驾驶罢工。Baitullah Mehsud was eliminated by a drone strike in August 2009.

高级无人机接口技术的描述被重新修正了。The description of Advanced Drone Interfacing has been clarified.

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呕吐声比螺旋浆发出的声音还要响。The sound of vomiting was heard aBove the drone of the propeller.

伯克森发现了大量限制无人驾驶飞机在空中飞行时间的无效率事例。Berkson found a host of inefficiencies limiting drone time in the air.

发展从1966年开始,而且无人机在1968年作了它的首次飞行。Development began in 1966 and the drone made its first flight in 1968.