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在下半场,他派了出色的左中卫上场。He started his ace left halfback on the second half.

那位明星中位接住远传球触地得分。The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown.

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当哥兰在U.S.C做中卫时,他没有成为过第一中卫。When Graham played halfback at U.S.C. he never made first string.

那中卫假装向前跑,接着突然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。The quarterback faked to the fullback and handed off to the halfback.

她有紫色的针织帽和围巾,搭配黑色的皮衣前卫。She has the purple hat and scarf, knitting tie-in black leather halfback.

机身部分用铝合金和白色竹纤维构成,超质感和前卫。Part white with aluminium alloy and fuselage Bamboo fibre, simple sense and halfback.

那中卫假装向前跑,接着突然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。The halfback pretended to run forward, then cut back to his left and took the ball the other way.

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那中卫假装向前跑,接著突然变向朝左跑,把球带向另一边。The halfback pretended to run forward, then cut back to his left and took the ball the other way.

在离橄榄球比赛结束前还剩30秒钟时,哈佛队的中卫获得底线得分,结果击败了耶鲁队。With 30 seconds to go in the football game, the Harvard halfback scored a touchdown to beat Yale.

在最后一年的大学球季中,索普共获得198分,并且被选为美国最好的足球中卫。In his last college season, Thorpe scored 198 points and was voted first-string, All-American halfback.

场上司职右前卫或中前卫,曾于1999年及2001年夺得世界足球先生亚军。He played right halfback or centre halfback in the field. He was the FIFA World Player in 1999 and 2001.

设计师用黑白相间的鹅卵石包围在露台的四周,风格时尚而前卫。Stylist is surrounded with the cobble of black and white alternate with in gazebo all round, the style is fashionable and halfback.

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先是两次传球失误,之后尤尼塔斯将球传给了11码位置的莱尼·摩尔,开始向前场推进。After two incomplete passes, Unitas connected with halfback Lenny Moore on an 11-yard play to start moving the offense up the field.

撞色已经成为当下的一种时尚元素,这款海澜之家西服,正是采用这种撞色设计,时尚而前卫。Contrast color has become the present a kind of fashionable element, the rings of a suit, to adopt the contrast color design, fashionable and halfback.

在一个画展上她遇到了她的偶像——前卫艺术大师安迪·沃霍,而安迪亦被她的美丽与独特气质所折服。The God that on an art exhibition she encountered her -- halfback art Great Master installs Di Waugh suddenly, and Andy also is convinced by her beauty and distinctive temperament.

一位州参议员对一名当地记者抱怨说,“没有人想带着球一口气跑99码,却在最后一码把球交给前卫,让后者独享风光。”“No one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit, ” one state senator complained to a local journalist.