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这些数据表示的是基于挤压板材。The data representable is based on extruded sheet.

第三,意义的各个方面都可以用短语生成的方式来描写。Third, all aspects of meaning are representable in phrase. marker form.

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这是罗马符号中能表示出来的最大数字。This is the largest number representable with standard Roman numeral notation.

给定一个数字集合N,它的一些元素可以在数字类型T中表示。Given a number set N, some of its elements are representable in a numeric type T.

这些数据表示的是基于0.125“厚片材在横流的方向。The data representable is based on 0.125" thick extruded sheets in the cross flow direction."

如果乘积值不在其表达的值域内,则程序就是病态形式的。If the scaled value is not in the range of representable values for its type, the program is ill -formed.

根据以上12项,哪三项你认为是最重要?请写下相应的号码。Based on the above 12 items, which three items do you think is the most important? Please write the representable number below.

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根据以上12项,哪三项你认为是最不重要?请写下相应的号码。Based on the above 12 items, which three items do you think is the most unimportant? Please write the representable number below.

每个结合两个浮点值的浮点操作都会将完成时的结果四舍五入到可被精确表示的那一位。Each floating point operation that combines two values will finish by rounding off the result to the nearest representable value.

给予相同的位元,无号整数通常能表示由有号整数所代表的值的绝对值的两倍数目。Given the same number of bits, unsigned integers usually represent twice the number of absolute values representable by signed integers.