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发射中止了。Blast-off has been aborted.

植物的刺是退化的枝。Thorns are aborted branch es.

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海伦怀孕三个月时流产了。Helen aborted when she was three months pregnant.

阿奴回到妇科医生那里打掉了胎儿。Anu returned to her gynecologist and aborted the fetus.

人类的三倍体胎儿通常会自然流产。Human triploid fetuses are usually spontaneously aborted.

批号206以及之后的任务都是正常的,不需要中止。Batch 206 and greater are okay, and should not be aborted.

我打消了放弃的念头并为他预约了重考。I aborted the idea to retreat and booked the retest for him.

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和FC1,中国以前苏联中止的一项设计为蓝本制造的。and the FC1, which China modeled on an aborted Soviet design.

皇室的宝贝,红宝石现在必会取代泥中被遗弃的异乡客。Royal babies, rubies must now replace aborted strangers in the mud.

现在,如果验证检测失败,那么事务将被舍弃。Now if the validation check fails, then the transaction will be aborted.

因电脑出故障,这次火箭飞行只好中辍。The rocket flight had to be aborted because of difficulties with computer.

思瓦非常佩服披素的男子汉气概,于是请求赛楠蓬打掉腹中的胎儿。Element of manhood, tile greatly admire, so request nan peng aborted fetuses.

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可移动存储没有装入要求的媒体。终止操作。Removable Storage did not mount the requested media. The operation was aborted.

对马鹿流产胎儿的肝脏中的细菌进行分离和鉴定。To isolate and identify the bacteria form the liver of aborted fetus of wapiti.

随即,在我所乘坐的那架从纽约飞往达拉斯的夭折班机上,展开了一段“传奇”。And with those words, the saga of my aborted flight from New York to Dallas began.

方法水囊引产胎儿的软骨细胞体外单层培养。Methods Chondrocytes which were obtained from aborted fetal were cultured in vitro.

这次流产武器运送事件显示,中国的非洲蜜月似乎结束了。As this aborted arms shipment suggests, China's African honeymoon appears to be over.

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他还给他们倒酒喝,为他们的地下报纸和流产的革命添砖加瓦。He served them the wine that fueled their underground newspaper, their aborted revolution.

如果这个项目不能达到这些标准,就可能会被放弃或者被重新认真考虑。The project may be aborted or considerably re-thought if it fails to satisfy these criteria.

仅在最后的事务被中止时,碎片整理程序才会发生故障。A crash while the defragmenter is running results in only the last transaction being aborted.