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平均间隔故障时间,至少50000小时,25℃环境及额定输入与满载条件下。The MTBF shall be at least 50000 hours at 25℃, Full load and nominal input condition.

论文最后还对兼容以后系统的可靠性和可用性进行了分析,讨论了设备的平均无故障时间。At last, reliability and availability of the system is analyzed and the system MTBF is discussed.

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这个很高的MTBF是通过用一个高效的冷板对每个元件适当地冷却而获得的。This very high MTBF is achieved by an appropriate cooling of each component with an efficient cooling plate.

通过引用国内外公布的常用元器件通用失效率,对一款伺服驱动控制器的MTBF指标进行计算。A servo controller MTBF referring to the components failure rates published in foreign and domestic countries was calculated.

最后导出序贯试验计算的综合表达式,用它可以计算OC、ETT和MTBF的置信限。Finally, a synthetic expression for sequential test calculation is derived, from which OC, ETT and confidence limit on the MTBF can be calculated.

经过估算,这种冗余系为单系平均寿命五倍以上,基本满足用户要求。The calculating result shows that the MTBF of this redundant system is five times that of the single system. Therefore it can satisfy the users' needs in general.

该法在微机上通过仿真计算,可以得到系统发生失效的概率、寿命曲线、以及系统各组成的结构重要度和模式重要度等可靠性指标。The method is simulated on a personnal computer. The failure probability distribution, MTBF of the system, significance degree and model significance degree of basic events are obtained.

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并针对舰船产品的特点,从理论和实践两个方面论证了MTBF保证试验在工程上是实用的,其风险可被使用方接受。It is demonstrated, focusing on the features of ship products, in terms of theory and practice, that the MTBF assurance test is practical in technique and acceptable in risk to the consumer.

该产品提供了稳定的额定400赫兹功率的可靠电源。具有优良的内在调节电压和稳定的频率。优秀的平均无故障时间,维护量极小。紧凑,安静。Provides a clean, reliable source of nominal 400 Hz power. Inherent regulation provides excellent voltage and frequency stability. Exceptional MTBF with minimal maintenance. Compact and quiet.

在MTBF指标因果分析和故障数据分类的基础上,进一步分析了影响MTBF指标的关键质量特性。On the basis of improving cause-and-effect analysis of MTBF and statistical analysis of the classified maintenance data, then it further analyzes the major quality characteristics factor of MTBF.

因此,该文论述了可靠性的衡量指标MTBF和统计方法,并且研究如何在开发阶段进行MTBF鉴定,以及到量产阶段仍然进行有效监控。So the author of this thesis discuss the index MTBF of reliability MTBF and account way, also she studied how to identify MTBF in development stage and how to monitor reliability in mass production.