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他的话就像一台心情减颤器。His words were like a mood defibrillator.

去纤颤器是用来使心脏回到正常的跳动节奏的器具。A defibrillator is the device used to shock the heart back to normal rhythm.

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他学过心肺复苏术课程,还有使用电击除颤器的资格。He has taken CPR courses, and he's qualified to use an electric defibrillator.

贝克在1947年,医生挽救一个病人的心律转复除颤器设备首次。In 1947, Doctor Beck saved a patient with a defibrillator device for the first time.

这个装置在手腕处设有胶垫,很像那些自动减颤器用的垫子。The device has gel pads on the wrist side, much like those pads that a defibrillator uses.

美国红十字会对政府批准使用家用型电击器的决定表示肯定。The american red cross praised the government's decision to approve the home defibrillator.

在我心脏里有个去纤颤器。千万别酗酒吸毒,我就是活生生的例子。I have an internal defibrillator in my heart. Don't do drugs and alcohol — I'm living proof!

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这里的主菜被形容为带有动脉伤害性,并且上门时的建议包括自带一个心脏电震器。The entrees are described as anti-arterial and suggestions for a visit include bringing a defibrillator.

作测试的医生说,这些耳机甚至能阻止电击去纤颤器产生电击。They might even prevent a defibrillator from delivering a lifesaving shock, say doctors who tested them.

我们对CA200-B除颤器进行了更新,增加了一个SpO2模块,可以持续对病人进行氧饱和度监测。SpO2 measurement. We upgraded the CA200-B defibrillator with an SpO2 module for continuous oxygen saturation monitoring.

医生说,使用家用电击器的人太多是为挽救自己丈夫生命的妇女。Doctors say the person using the home defibrillator most often would probably be a woman trying to save her husband 's life.

该分析结果主张尽快采用心脏除颤术,心脏除颤器是一种使心脏恢复正常心律的装置。These call for defibrillation as soon as possible. A defibrillator is the device used to shock the heart back to normal rhythm.

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美国航空公司称氧气是管理和去纤颤器被用来试图拯救一个乘客在飞行途中去世。American Airlines says oxygen was administered and a defibrillator was used to try to save apassenger who died during the flight.

拨打911电话,并且如果遇难者停止呼吸就要立刻做心肺复苏,尽可能使用自动体外电击去颤器。Call 9-1-1 and begin CPR immediately if the person has stopped breathing. Use an Automatic External Defibrillator if one is available.

血管成形术、药物涂层支架以及除颤器,使得奥帕图斯基的治疗画面丰满起来。The artery-opening procedure called angioplasty, implants of drug-eluting stents and a defibrillator round out Opatosky's treatment picture.

今天的心律转复除颤器已经从第一次去纤颤器。医学历史学家说,出现在十九世纪后期的设备。The defibrillator of today has developed from the first defibrillators. Medical historians say the devices appeared late in the nineteenth century.

治疗心脏骤停的方法是使用除颤器,使得心脏恢复正常的节奏,但这必须做得非常快The treatment is to use a defibrillator to shock the heart back into a normal rhythm, but that must be done very quickly — within about four minutes.

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在实施心肺复苏之前,通过除颤器将病人心率电击至正常会提高存活率。Your chances of survival may be better if CPR is delivered until your heart can be shocked back into a normal rhythm with a device called a defibrillator.

2005年,一组国际天文学家发现,衰亡的红巨星能够像除纤颤器一样工作,让这颗冰冷的星球起死回生。In 2005, an international team of astronomers discovered that dying red giant stars could act like a defibrillator and bring icy planets back from the dead.

第一个部分由关于电震发生器诊断的章组成,随后有用图像,实际病患历史和一个摘要段落的基于病例的赠送。The first part consists of chapters on defibrillator diagnostics, followed by case-based presentations with images, actual patient histories and a summary paragraph.